Thursday, March 17, 2011

“They Want My Money!”

 Well, I was going to save this for when the next Cancer fundraiser was being Jack hammered into our brains by the local media Meat Puppets, but since someone at my office recently asked me for money… I thought I would send it out now.
Every year, there are at least a dozen people at my Office who are asking for Money for Their Charity de jour.  All of them seem to be related to some type of Cancer.   Not that I don’t care, it seems like a good cause, and Cancer is dangerous, it’s scary, it’s a deadly disease.   But… it’s not the only thing out there, and there are people out there who are not affected by it, who may want money, or attention paid to something else.  Heart Disease is another big one, it affects almost everybody.  Or Kidney Disease?  It is out there in so many different forms, I couldn’t possibly list them all.  Some are Genetic (like mine), and some are acquired by injury or illness.  Many Diabetics will develop kidney disorder in their lifetime.  And kidney disease can cause problems to the heart, lungs, liver, brain, Eyes and Ears.  It can become a total body disease.  I have had many of the issues associated with End stage renal Failure.  My Blood pressure is high (not good), My cholesterol is high (really not good), and my Memory is not what it used to be (what).  And As of now, I am not a “Survivor” and nor will I EVER be cured.  This disease may take another 30-70 years to do it, but it will take my Life.   But…  Do you see me canvassing the entire office for Money for Kidney stuff?  No.   I could, but I wouldn’t get anywhere.  Kidney disease is not a “Hot Button” disease.  Nor is it “Sexy” enough for it to be widely talked about on TV, or in News papers and magazines.  Cancer is Devastating, Granted.  But in the grand scheme of things, it operates very Quickly.   A few Months to a few years.  You never hear of someone who has been fighting cancer for 50 years, do you?  But Kidney Disease if a life long struggle.  From the day you are Diagnosed, to the day you Die, it is how you live.  Your life revolves around it.  Not so with  Cancer.  Your life may Revolve around it for a few months, or a few years, but sooner or later, you will be Cancer free, or Dead.  With me I will never be Cured, or “Disease free.”  But I will be dead at some point.  And when I die, in 10, 20, or 50 years, It will have played a major role.  So which group has more call to ask for money?  From my perspective, people who have Lifelong health issues to deal with have more right to ask for donations, than a “Survivor” who is in the clear.  But I might be a little Biased… Just a smidge.
Cancer, Cancer Cancer.  Kind of like the old Brady Bunch Line, “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.  Why is it always about Marsha.”  Exactly, why does it always have to be about Cancer?  I can’t turn on a news report without someone prattling on about some Cancer Fund Raiser with Little pink Ribbons. Riding bikes, or walking, or running, or dancing, or singing, Jeez.  What’s next, People having sex to cure cancer?  Well, actually, I would be up for that one (no pun intended). But Seriously,  I’m numb to it now, you’ve completely overloaded me on Cancer this, and Cancer that.  And so… I’m Over it.  Until these people start giving Kidneys, or Hearts, or Lungs, or Livers their fair share, Cancer will never see another dime from me.
Not trying to be Insensitive, just Rational.  And I know being rational is difficult for a lot of people.  Humans are irrationally Emotional by Nature.  And Cancer people play on it very well.  They stay away from facts, and focus on the numbers that will bring on an emotional response.  How many people died this year, or this month, or even this week.  And the numbers are Scary, I’m not trying to diminish the cause, let’s make that very clear.  But when You hear 100 people will die this week from cancer, or 1 in5 people will have cancer in their lifetime.  They are playing on your emotions of Love for a family member, or close friend  who may have had it, or your fear that it may happen you.  The truth is that about half (I don’t have an Oncologist beside me to give me the exact numbers) of cancers are treatable or curable with minimal effort, if detected early enough, of course.  Some discomfort, some pain, but all in all, outcomes are looking  better for them.  And even the most aggressive and deadly cancers, have up to a 30% survival rate(some as low as 5%, but let’s stay positive).  Not horrible odds, Not very good mind you, but I would take 30% over 0% any day, wouldn’t you?  If someone was to come to me today and tell me “We have a Cure for your Kidney Disorder, but it only works 5% of the time.  I’d sign up in a heartbeat.  5%, for all you math geniuses out there, is more than 0%.  A ray of hope, no matter how miniscule it may be.
Kidney disease Sufferers have that Miniscule hope now.  It resides in Stem cell, and Organ Cloning research.  Right now, with Religious groups, Protest Groups (like Green-Peace.  These freaking Weasels are trying to stop everything!) who think we are killing babies to get stem cells, and Governments who are Stupid enough to listen, these researchers are operating on Very Limited Budgets.  The timetable right now, for the possibility of human trials in organ cloning, is somewhere in the range of 15-20 years, or More.  In my opinion that is Not Nearly soon enough.  With proper funding, and removal of the stupid “red tape” that these protest groups keep throwing in front of it, we could cut that time in half.  7-10 years, or sooner.  Imagine, by the year 2017, we could have the technology to, once your birth organ fails, grow you a new one, perform a transplant, and have you go on your merry way with no anti-rejection drugs, or extended hospital stays.  It is the stuff the creators of Star Trek, and Star Wars, could only dream about, while sitting in their basements playing Dungeons and Dragons.
 But with all the focus on Cancer, the other researchers are having to take a back seat.  Is one life more important than another?  Is a Cancer Patient a more important Living thing than a Heart patient, or a Kidney Patient, or a Lung Patient.  I say No.  They are equally Important, and we need to start treating them as such.  Stop putting the focus on What is “sexy,”  and let’s start giving everyone who is sick, and needs help, an equal shot at Hope for a cure.  Those TV “Meat Puppets” Like to talk Cancer because it is Scary.  It’s sudden, it’s Fast, and it’s devastating.  But what about the ones that are slow, Methodical, and just as devastating, but in a much more subtle way.  They are not as Sexy, because they take time, and lots of it.  As they slowly rot you away from inside.  I know people with Health issues,  whether it be Heart problems, or Liver problems, or Lung Problems.  Are My Friends and I any less important than anyone else who is sick?  No, we are equally important.  I have had family members die of Cancer, 4 of them to be exact.  And while they were sick, they never once bombarded friends and family with requests for money.  And neither did their relatives after they died.  They contribute to Cancer funds, but in their own way.  I’m just asking for Equality.  Is that asking too much?

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