Sunday, August 7, 2011

OMG!! The attack of the Words!

There is no such thing as bad words. It's the context that makes them good or bad. You can say anything, in a bad context, with malicious intent, not using "bad Words" and it is bad. But saying something with a smile, and no malicious intent, but using a word that someone doesn't like, is also bad?? It makes no sense! There are no bad Words, only bad thoughts, bad intentions, and bad people. The words are completely innocent.

Deciding that a series of sounds strung together to form a word in any language is bad is insane! The idea that there are certain sequences of sounds, that when said, would make someone uncomfortable for reasons they can’t quite explain, is a very primitive notion! The word dog for example, Du-au-guh. We happen to have chosen that word, or those sounds, to match that little yapping animal. But hen instead of saying dog, we say Ff-u-ck, that is considered bad. Also, the words we find profane change over time. In the early 1900s, the word “Humbug” was deemed a Bad word. 100 years later, a 5 year old will say it on the street and everyone thinks it's cute. Imagine what 5 year olds will be saying in 100 years. Today, Humbug just doesn’t have the impact it once did. We now say Bullshit!

Most people aren't afraid of bad language, or “Barnyard Vulgarity”; they just want it in their own style of infantile baby talk. Using the initials BS is ok, but saying Bullshit is bad. How hypocritical is that? You know what BS means, but using the real word is bad? Or how about Balderdash? It means the same thing in your head; you just think that it's more pleasant! These people think it's unpleasant language that makes the world unpleasant, not unpleasant behaviour. Balderdash means a muddle, or mess, usually of alcoholic Beverages. But now we are using it as simple ejaculation.

You want a higher form of Language? You want me to use better words? ... Ok I’ll try it your way. "You Unpleasant, myopic, impotent, despite!” Better? Or would you rather me just call you an asshole and move on? Perhaps it is the context in which words are spoken that gives them the power, or meaning. Not the words themselves.

On October 4th, 1961, a Comedian named Lenny Bruce was the last person in this hemisphere to be arrested for obscene speech. He said “to' is a preposition, 'come' is a verb", that the sexual context of "come" is so common that it bears no weight, and that if someone hearing it becomes upset, he "probably can't come."” He was eventually aquited of all charges. 2 years later in Los Angeles, Bruce was arrested again for language. The specification this time was that the comedian had used the word "schmuck", an insulting Yiddish term that is also an obscene term for penis. Are you kidding me? Later, in 1973, George Carlin’s “7 Dirty words you can’t say on TV” caused a sensation. Carlin was chagred with Incedency, and took it all the way to the Supreme court. Carlin (and the good guys) lost and the FCC (in the US) has used it as legal precident ever since.

“Government big enough to supply everthing you need, is big enough to take everything you have. The course of History shows that as a government Grows, Liberty Decreases.”-- Thomas Jefferson

I have a right to say what I want, where I want, when I want. And you do have a right to be offended. But you don’t have the right to tell me that I don’t have the right to say what I want, because it offends you. To these people free speech isn’t!

When you really think about this issue, these straight-laced solipsists aren’t asking that we control our anger, or that we change our behaviour. They aren’t asking that we treat each other with more respect or patience. They aren’t trying to be Nicer. They just want you to shout something they feel is appropriate when you feel like shouting. They don’t care about the package, just the gift-wrap. They don’t advocate peace; they don’t care if you speak with hate. They want only to change the exact words. As if the words are what make discourse hateful, or distasteful. They think the avoidance of certain words will signal an education. HUMBUG! It’s the words you use, not the ones you don’t use that show what you know. It’s trivial to hurt your feelings with the “Squeaky-cleanest” of words. It’s also trivial to tell you we love you with the most “Vulgar” Profanity. In Some instances, it even adds a little fun to the love. Marshall McLuhan was just wrong!! The message is the message.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Nice. Couldn't have said it better myself. Fuckity fuckin fucker fuck! And all that shit. :)
