Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Drugs, Whores, and Freedom... Oh MY!!

This may come as a surprise… I’m actually making an argument for the legalization of drugs!  I know!!  Shocked the hell out of me too.  But I looked at it rationally, ignored my own person feelings, and this is what I came up with.  Point out all the holes you want, the benefits still outweigh the drawbacks. Any way you slice it, it still works out better for society, I think at least.  You can make up your own mind.  I ain’t your Momma! :)  Oh and I make a small argument for the legalization of Prostitution too.  I know… if there was  a Hell I would burn like a tire fire for all eternity.  But as we established earlier, There is No Hell, so  bring on the hookers, the Blow, the Booze, and the debauchery!  Just kidding.  But some 2000 year old rules, and a really crappy Book (‘Bible: God’s Big Book of Incredibly Bad Ideas’) should not influence how we live today.  It’s all  about freedom of choice.  Well… more specifically Freedom in General.  As much as I disagree with the use of drugs, and Crack Whores, there are ways to make both industries safe (or at least ‘safer’) for all who wish to partake.  It’s not my Job to tell you what is right or wrong.  But we should we should be doing is allowing you the freedom to figure it out for yourself.
Ok, here we go…
Just so we’re 100% clear… Marijuana is a drug, just like Alcohol, Tobacco, Nicotine, Cocaine, and Heroin.  They all have adverse effects on your health, on your Brain, etc .  Some more than others.  Prohibition was started by Religious whack jobs who wanted to control people.  I’m sorry but Prohibition was Bullshit.  I Don’t drink (much), I don’t smoke, and I’ve never done Drugs.  I am a Stone Sober Atheist, professional.  I support a person’s right to do what they want with their own body.  It’s yours, if you want to rot it out with drugs and booze, be my Guest.  In a truly free country you should have that right.  I always feel we should err on the side of Freedom.  As long as you don’t cause harm to someone else, whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is none of my business, none of your neighbour’s business, and none of the Government’s business.  If Watching CNN with a cup of Coffee, in a 3-peice suit is what floats your boat, who am I to Judge.  Or if A night of Hookers, Booze, and Blow is what does it for you, then too each their own.  I Highly recommend that you stay away from the Booze and the Blow, but I have no issues with the hookers.  Oh yeah, and that’s another freedom we seem to forget about.  It’s her Body, and if she chooses to have sex for money, it’s no one’s concern.  “Why is it Illegal to sell something that is perfectly legal to Give away?” –George Carlin.  “If you’re good at something, Never do it for Free!” – The Joker.  We should not be concerning ourselves with what 2 consenting Adults do behind closed doors.  Regardless if it includes a monetary transaction, or not, it’s still 2 Consenting Adults in Private.  People, keep your noses out of other peoples Genitals!!  Taking money out of sex is actually a form of Discrimination.  People want to have sex with attractive people, and there is almost nothing a less than attractive person can do to accomplish that,  “Almost” Nothing.  Why do Ugly rich Men have trophy wives?  I’m guessing it’s not because she finds Hairy Backs, Acne, and Sweaty Pits attractive.  Yes, some girls get into Prostitution as a last resort, or are forced into it, and it’s never a good thing.  Everything should be done to help them get out and back on their feet.  But in many places in the world, it is a profession like any other.  It is regulated, the girls are well cared for, and above all… IT’S THEIR CHOICE!  Even here in Alberta, an Escort Does it by choice.  They are very attractive women, and they Charge an arm and a leg for their “Services.”  If you want good service, you have to pay for it.  If you make anything illegal, it becomes seedy, ugly, and dangerous.  What if we were to ban fly fishing?  Then your father in law buys his flies from the Mob.  Is he a criminal?  No.  That is a freedom that was taken away from him, and he’s taking it back.   Anytime government steps in and tries to take away something that people want, they will do whatever it takes to get it back, even breaking the law.  Making things illegal that should not be illegal makes normal everyday people into criminals, and puts more money in the hands of organized crime.     
The point is, whatever I believe personally, doesn’t matter!   Not at All!   It’s what is right that matters.  I would love to see drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes Gone for good, but… that Isn’t going to happen.  People take drugs because they get the desired effect.  They work, that’s why people use them.  They aren’t going away, so we might as well do everything we can to make them safer for everyone.  Take the money away from organized crime, and Tax the crap out of it.  Regulate the dosages, and treat it the same we would alcohol at a bar.  If the guy has had too many… cut him off!!  I know, easier said than done, and I don’t trust anyone in the government to sit the right way on a toilet seat.  But regulation,  monitoring, and tax dollars, are a much better solution than Guns, back alleys, tainted drugs, and overdoses!  Another point on Pot, it’s not toxic enough to kill anyone.  There is no reported cases, ANYWHERE (in any peer-reviewed medical journal papers/Journals), of anyone overdosing on marijuana.  It cannot happen, it is simply not toxic enough.  That being said, extended use has shown in medical testing that it does affect the brain’s ability to process memories, and it can adversely affect the nervous system causing issues with motor skills.  But again, that is through prolonged usage, not your average “Take a toke on the weekend” stoner.  Legalization will take money out of the hands of Criminals, ease the burden on our Legal system so they can deal with real crimes (you know, Murder, rape, arson, assault, armed robberies, etc), and regulate the doses to keep people from clogging our already overstuffed emergency rooms with overdose victims.  We all have basic rights, and the right to be free and use our own body as we see fit is a Basic Human right.  It cannot be negotiated out of our own charter of rights and freedoms.  “Government big enough to supply everything you need, is big enough to take everything you have.  The course of history shows that as Government grows, Liberty decreases.” –Thomas Jefferson.   The war on drugs costs us, Canadian Taxpayers, over 2 Billion dollars a year.  I can think of at least a hundred things that money could be better spent on.  Health care, Education, infrastructure, The arts, Right to play, Medical research, foreign Aid, and the list can go on forever.  It’s time we, as a people, pulled our heads out of the sand (or our asses) and did the right thing for once.  Give people back their freedom.  That’s an amazing thing, to have the freedom to make the wrong choice is still freedom in its most basic sense.  I hate drugs, and I wish they didn’t exist, but I also want a toilet made of solid gold, a Mansion in Beverly Hills, and a Ferrari.  But you can wish in one hand, and crap in the other, and see which gets filled first. 
And, Just because we legalize it, doesn’t mean we’re going to have total anarchy, either.  The people who want to try it while it was illegal will still want to try it when it is legal.  And the people who are appalled by it, won’t decide that “since it’s legal, I may as well give it a shot.”  It doesn’t work that way (of course there are exceptions to every rule).  That’s like saying the only reason you didn’t slaughter your neighbor, and rape his daughter, is because it’s illegal.  That’s Insane! You know it’s wrong, and if it suddenly became OK by law, you wouldn’t decide that it’s a good idea, would you?  If you said yes, then you should talk to a professional very soon! So, we may as well make these activities safer for those who would make the choice to try it regardless of its legality.  If it was Legal when I was in High school, I still would not have tried it.  I knew they were not for me then, and I still feel the same.  But who am I to make that call for someone else?  It’s not my responsibility to tell anyone how to live their lives.  You are responsible for you, and your choices have consequences.  If you are properly educated on the dangers of these drugs, and still think it’s worth the risk, then I, or anyone else, has no right to stop you.   And there is another sad point in our education system.  Our Anti- Drug Program doesn’t teach the kids anything about the drugs themselves, it just preaches a “Just say No” attitude.  I don’t have Kids of my own, but I was one, many moons ago, and I know how kids think.  “Fuck you, I’ll figure it out my own self!” Or “What do you know?”  You forget that teenagers Know EVERYTHING, and really don’t listen when you tell what to think.  But studies have shown that when you give them the information they need to make an informed decision they, more often than not, will make the right choice.  But we need to give them that option, otherwise they will make their decision based on bad information, or NO information.  But, like I said, it’s your Body, do with it as you will.  But just remember, you only get one, so try not to burn it out too early.   Drugs are by nature dangerous, but with proper education, dosages, and regulations, we can limit that danger to manageable levels, reducing the risk of overdose, or death. 
I know this is a very touchy subject.  The people who Hate drugs want them gone completely, which will never happen.  And the people who use them want free reign to use whatever, whenever.  Also not going to happen.  We need to meet in the middle, find common ground, and make these dangerous drugs, less dangerous to use, and less dangerous to get.  Take the huge profits away from organized crime, and create a new cash-flow to help ease income taxes.  It’s not rocket surgery People!  Make anything Illegal and it gets more Dangerous, and more expensive.  People can’t complain to the cops that some guy with a gun Stole his stash.  An Escort can’t complain about how she was assaulted by a john, or her pimp.  And your Father-in-Law can’t complain about how that guy behind the liquor store overcharged for his flys that didn’t work.  Legalize it, and suddenly government steps in and can properly regulate the industries, clean them up, and make them safer for all involved. 
Anyway, What am I trying to say?  What is the message that I’m trying to get across?  Your opinion doesn’t matter.  My Opinion doesn’t matter.  This is about Freedom.  If we truly live in a free country then we should have the freedom to do whatever we want with our own body.  It’s mine, If I wanted to have sex for money, It’s my body and in a free country I would have that Option.   Again, It’s my Body, and If I wanted to rot it out with Drugs and Alcohol, that should be my right.  As much as I know these things are dangerous, I also know that if we want to be truly free, then we need to have the option available to make that decision for ourselves.  Lets clean these industries up, make them safer for all who make that choice, and let’s take the Profits away from Gangs, and use the tax dollars to help people.  Legalized Marijuana works in Amsterdam, and Legalized Prostitution works in Nevada.  And again, I don’t think I can say this enough, I Know what I’m saying. Let people do Drugs, and let people buy Sex.  This is a tough Sell!!  It’s not that I am in favor of any of it.  I Hate drugs, I’ve never done them before, and I never will.  I think Hookers are Nasty, and I would never pay for sex, EVER!  But, who am I to tell you what you don’t have the freedom to do with your body, or your hard-earned money.  You earned it, spend it on whatever you feel like.  Who is anyone to say that you spent 40 hours a week working a shitty job and you can’t take the money you earned and do whatever you want with it?  So, if we really want freedom, then we need to be truly free.  Every time Politicians make something illegal that shouldn’t be, they take away more of our freedoms.  Last time… I Don’t like these things, and would never EVER want to partake, but No One, absolutely NO ONE, has the right to tell you what you can, or can’t do with your own body, or In your Own Home (as Long as it doesn’t cause harm to someone else).  Not the Police, Not the Government, not your Parents, not your church, not your friends… not Anyone!  I can’t stop anyone from doing what they want to do, in a free country.  Just stay the fuck out of my house… the Stoners, the whores, and the Government.
Alright, I know it’s coming…  tell me how stupid I am.  Go ahead.  I know you want to.  I can take it.  I knew what I was in for when I started writing this.  So… do your worst.

1 comment:

  1. I have always thought that not legalizing drugs and prostitution was stupid. It would cut down on crime by a insane amount. Our national debt would be almost gone because we should be taxing the hell out of personal choice when it comes to nights of debauchery. Tobacco and alcohol is taxed to hell. So why not?
    Amsterdam isn't a scary seedy place. They have a red light district loads of people go to Amsterdam just for that and loads of people go for the pretty flowers and windmills. So is Amsterdam on a do not enter list? Hell no! You take a place like Afghanistan however where religion and state are the same and what do we have? A war zone. I am just saying making rules for everything results in black markets for pork and legalized stoning's(I like my hair and I think everyone should admire it).

    I do drink and smoke. I know its bad for me and when people tell me that I should stop, all I can think is "stop telling me what to do!". I rebel against the obvious. I am a grown adult and don't ever want to be told what to do again.

    I do have to admit that if I was a police officer I would much rather deal with a 100 stoners then a group of rowdy drunk frat boys. What are the stoners going to do? Eat me out of house and home or just stare and watch tv and laugh.

    Maybe if people weren't so arrogant about the whole idea that people will do what they want anyways even if there is laws against it that maybe we can move on as a society. Remember it was illegal to marry inter-racially. How stupid is that. We are all of one race. The human race. With laws finally changing about gay rights and they can finally marry I hear arguments about "well what happens if you want to marry your pet dog". When the hell did being gay and being into bestiality even become close to the same?

    I say legalize it because it is freedom. Make it illegal and all you get is a bunch of people killing each other or kidnapping people turning them into sex slaves. So yeah Jason I agree with you. Its about freedom. Its about regulation and its about making money instead of putting people in jail and making me pay more taxes for it.
