As the years go by, I noticed many people have come and gone from my life. Friends, Family, acquaintances, co workers. All played a part in making me into the person I am today. Some for better, some for worse, but the people around me shaped who I became. Some people abused my trust for their own personal gain, or amusement . And some showed me true kindness, acceptance, and understanding. The later are the people I call “Friends.” If I chose to call you a friend, then you have earned my friendship through your actions. My past experiences have made me a little untrusting, cynical at times, and cautious about who I let in. For me it is truly sad to lose contact with a close friend. They are people I admire, respect, and whose company I enjoy. People who accept me for the Cynical, skeptical, atheist, jackass I can be at times, and like me for the honest, trustworthy, and loyal friend I am. I would hope you would consider it a compliment, if you are my friend then I consider you to be among the best people I have ever met. I tend to hold people to a Higher standard than most. I know what we are capable of as a species. I know I shouldn’t be so picky, it has Limited my circle of friends to a relative few. But, I can say with absolute certainty, that I do admire, trust, and cherish the friendships I have made. Those cherished few have shown me Kindness, compassion, understanding, and been there for me when I needed a friend the most. I can definitely say they are my extended, adopted, Family.
But sadly, over these last few years, I have lost Contact with some people I thought would be Life-Long friends. And for reasons I can’t quite explain, or figure out. They just stopped responding to calls, emails, and text messages. I would ask them to lunch to catch up, or over for a beer to keep the lines of communication open. Seeing as when people age, their lives take them in different directions, and as you get older it’s nice to be able to reminisce with the people you knew when you were young. Unfortunately my calls went unanswered, messages not returned, seemingly out of the blue. One friend in particular’s lack of response seemed to coincide with my “Coming out” so to speak. 2 years ago I felt it was time to make it public that I was an Atheist. No big deal for me if you believe in God, I Don’t. In any case, that’s not the point I’m here to make. Regardless of your political or religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or skin colour, I will not use that as a reason to not befriend someone, or cut ties with any friend. Like I pointed out earlier, if I considered you a friend, then I hold your character in high regard. But I guess some things are more important than friendship and loyalty. Like your commitment to the invisible man in the sky. Fine, I get it… well actually I don’t, but to each their own. If my friendship was that unimportant that you can be my friend when you think I believe in god, but when you realize I don’t, my friendship can be easily tossed aside like last weeks left over casserole, then so be it. I don’t need friends who are that fleeting, unenlightened, and un-accepting. My tolerance is high, but if yours isn’t then I guess my opinion of you was wrong. It sucks to lose a friend I have known since I was very young, and I hope my suspicions are incorrect, but sadly the coincidence is uncanny. I know Correlation does not equal causation, but until I get another explanation, I’m sticking with what the available evidence tells me. It saddens me even more that this person, who I’ve literally known my entire life, now has 3 children that I will never really get to know. Someone who I believed would be my friend for life, the brother I never had, has kids that I won’t get to spend any time with (knowing full well I won’t have children of my own makes this situation even more painful).
Another friend seemed to disappear shortly after my failed Kidney transplant. No reason. At a time in my life when I needed friends the most, some just chose to vanish into thin air. I guess I had taken on a little too much baggage, and it was too much work to be my friend. You know, visiting the hospital once to see if I was still alive, emailing to see how I’m holding up. I just required too much effort. I was very sad to lose contact with this person. We had shared some good times together, and his company really did bring joy to my life. I still hold out hope that someday we will get back in contact, reconcile whatever made us go our separate ways, and get back to making each other laugh hysterically, and killing each other repeatedly in Halo and then cursing the other for days about how he was “a F’N Camping Bitch!” The hope is still alive that someday this friendship will return to the way it was. If you are reading this Matt, no hard feelings, it would be great to hear from you. You were my best friend in High school, and I do miss your company.
I remember another friend I lost a few years after High school. It was Stupid how it all went down, but the principle of why I ended that friendship is solid. I had developed feelings for a girl who was a mutual friend, and was looking for an opportunity to ask her out. And, I had discussed this dilemma with said friend, “How do I get her alone to ask?” But before I could get the chance to make my move, he moved in and made a move first. First off, I had made it clear my Intention was to ask her out, and as a friend she should have then been off limits. And if he had the same feelings, should have said something so we could have not encountered this uncomfortable situation. So I felt I couldn’t really trust him anymore, and that was that. I haven’t spoken to him since. I know, it is stupid of me to have held that grudge over something so trivial. But when I was in Penticton, I was still wondering who I could really trust. I had been burned so many times by others that when it all went down I flashed back to all the other times my trust was betrayed and I was very angry about it. I still think he was totally out of line, but now it doesn’t matter. I have found someone I care deeply for, and wouldn’t exchange her for the world. It’s strange how the events of your life seem to play out to bring you to a certain point. I may never have met this amazing woman if things had played out differently. So, maybe someday I’ll smarten up at try to reconcile the friendship, but for now, I’m not sure I’m ready.
Through all the loss, there are gains as well. I have met, just in the last few years, some very amazing people. People whose friendships I hope to hold onto for a life time. They know who they are, so I don’t need to name names. Different circumstances have brought us together, but I hope our mutual respect, compassion, and trust will keep it that way. To all of you who have stood beside me when I needed you, from the bottom of my Blood Pump (heart! :) ) I truly thank you. You are the people who make life worth living. Without friends like you, who knows where I would be today. I sure wouldn’t be half as happy as I am now. You are the ones who care about me even when I’m being that cynical jackass, hold me up when I need a friend, and have earned my trust through acts of Kindness and compassion. You are my rock, my foundation, or very simply… you are my friends. Such a simple word doesn’t do you guys justice. I rely on you when I need a friend, and I hope you feel you can do the same. I feel very lucky that you have chosen to share a bit of your short time on this rock with me. I will never forget your Kindness. Thank you for being my friends.
"Teach a man to reason, and he'll Think for a lifetime." "How do you convince someone they're not thinking clearly... WHEN THEY'RE NOT THINKING CLEARLY!?" -- Dr. Phil Plait.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Drugs, Whores, and Freedom... Oh MY!!
This may come as a surprise… I’m actually making an argument for the legalization of drugs! I know!! Shocked the hell out of me too. But I looked at it rationally, ignored my own person feelings, and this is what I came up with. Point out all the holes you want, the benefits still outweigh the drawbacks. Any way you slice it, it still works out better for society, I think at least. You can make up your own mind. I ain’t your Momma! :) Oh and I make a small argument for the legalization of Prostitution too. I know… if there was a Hell I would burn like a tire fire for all eternity. But as we established earlier, There is No Hell, so bring on the hookers, the Blow, the Booze, and the debauchery! Just kidding. But some 2000 year old rules, and a really crappy Book (‘Bible: God’s Big Book of Incredibly Bad Ideas’) should not influence how we live today. It’s all about freedom of choice. Well… more specifically Freedom in General. As much as I disagree with the use of drugs, and Crack Whores, there are ways to make both industries safe (or at least ‘safer’) for all who wish to partake. It’s not my Job to tell you what is right or wrong. But we should we should be doing is allowing you the freedom to figure it out for yourself.
Ok, here we go…
Just so we’re 100% clear… Marijuana is a drug, just like Alcohol, Tobacco, Nicotine, Cocaine, and Heroin. They all have adverse effects on your health, on your Brain, etc . Some more than others. Prohibition was started by Religious whack jobs who wanted to control people. I’m sorry but Prohibition was Bullshit. I Don’t drink (much), I don’t smoke, and I’ve never done Drugs. I am a Stone Sober Atheist, professional. I support a person’s right to do what they want with their own body. It’s yours, if you want to rot it out with drugs and booze, be my Guest. In a truly free country you should have that right. I always feel we should err on the side of Freedom. As long as you don’t cause harm to someone else, whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is none of my business, none of your neighbour’s business, and none of the Government’s business. If Watching CNN with a cup of Coffee, in a 3-peice suit is what floats your boat, who am I to Judge. Or if A night of Hookers, Booze, and Blow is what does it for you, then too each their own. I Highly recommend that you stay away from the Booze and the Blow, but I have no issues with the hookers. Oh yeah, and that’s another freedom we seem to forget about. It’s her Body, and if she chooses to have sex for money, it’s no one’s concern. “Why is it Illegal to sell something that is perfectly legal to Give away?” –George Carlin. “If you’re good at something, Never do it for Free!” – The Joker. We should not be concerning ourselves with what 2 consenting Adults do behind closed doors. Regardless if it includes a monetary transaction, or not, it’s still 2 Consenting Adults in Private. People, keep your noses out of other peoples Genitals!! Taking money out of sex is actually a form of Discrimination. People want to have sex with attractive people, and there is almost nothing a less than attractive person can do to accomplish that, “Almost” Nothing. Why do Ugly rich Men have trophy wives? I’m guessing it’s not because she finds Hairy Backs, Acne, and Sweaty Pits attractive. Yes, some girls get into Prostitution as a last resort, or are forced into it, and it’s never a good thing. Everything should be done to help them get out and back on their feet. But in many places in the world, it is a profession like any other. It is regulated, the girls are well cared for, and above all… IT’S THEIR CHOICE! Even here in Alberta, an Escort Does it by choice. They are very attractive women, and they Charge an arm and a leg for their “Services.” If you want good service, you have to pay for it. If you make anything illegal, it becomes seedy, ugly, and dangerous. What if we were to ban fly fishing? Then your father in law buys his flies from the Mob. Is he a criminal? No. That is a freedom that was taken away from him, and he’s taking it back. Anytime government steps in and tries to take away something that people want, they will do whatever it takes to get it back, even breaking the law. Making things illegal that should not be illegal makes normal everyday people into criminals, and puts more money in the hands of organized crime.
The point is, whatever I believe personally, doesn’t matter! Not at All! It’s what is right that matters. I would love to see drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes Gone for good, but… that Isn’t going to happen. People take drugs because they get the desired effect. They work, that’s why people use them. They aren’t going away, so we might as well do everything we can to make them safer for everyone. Take the money away from organized crime, and Tax the crap out of it. Regulate the dosages, and treat it the same we would alcohol at a bar. If the guy has had too many… cut him off!! I know, easier said than done, and I don’t trust anyone in the government to sit the right way on a toilet seat. But regulation, monitoring, and tax dollars, are a much better solution than Guns, back alleys, tainted drugs, and overdoses! Another point on Pot, it’s not toxic enough to kill anyone. There is no reported cases, ANYWHERE (in any peer-reviewed medical journal papers/Journals), of anyone overdosing on marijuana. It cannot happen, it is simply not toxic enough. That being said, extended use has shown in medical testing that it does affect the brain’s ability to process memories, and it can adversely affect the nervous system causing issues with motor skills. But again, that is through prolonged usage, not your average “Take a toke on the weekend” stoner. Legalization will take money out of the hands of Criminals, ease the burden on our Legal system so they can deal with real crimes (you know, Murder, rape, arson, assault, armed robberies, etc), and regulate the doses to keep people from clogging our already overstuffed emergency rooms with overdose victims. We all have basic rights, and the right to be free and use our own body as we see fit is a Basic Human right. It cannot be negotiated out of our own charter of rights and freedoms. “Government big enough to supply everything you need, is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows that as Government grows, Liberty decreases.” –Thomas Jefferson. The war on drugs costs us, Canadian Taxpayers, over 2 Billion dollars a year. I can think of at least a hundred things that money could be better spent on. Health care, Education, infrastructure, The arts, Right to play, Medical research, foreign Aid, and the list can go on forever. It’s time we, as a people, pulled our heads out of the sand (or our asses) and did the right thing for once. Give people back their freedom. That’s an amazing thing, to have the freedom to make the wrong choice is still freedom in its most basic sense. I hate drugs, and I wish they didn’t exist, but I also want a toilet made of solid gold, a Mansion in Beverly Hills, and a Ferrari. But you can wish in one hand, and crap in the other, and see which gets filled first.
And, Just because we legalize it, doesn’t mean we’re going to have total anarchy, either. The people who want to try it while it was illegal will still want to try it when it is legal. And the people who are appalled by it, won’t decide that “since it’s legal, I may as well give it a shot.” It doesn’t work that way (of course there are exceptions to every rule). That’s like saying the only reason you didn’t slaughter your neighbor, and rape his daughter, is because it’s illegal. That’s Insane! You know it’s wrong, and if it suddenly became OK by law, you wouldn’t decide that it’s a good idea, would you? If you said yes, then you should talk to a professional very soon! So, we may as well make these activities safer for those who would make the choice to try it regardless of its legality. If it was Legal when I was in High school, I still would not have tried it. I knew they were not for me then, and I still feel the same. But who am I to make that call for someone else? It’s not my responsibility to tell anyone how to live their lives. You are responsible for you, and your choices have consequences. If you are properly educated on the dangers of these drugs, and still think it’s worth the risk, then I, or anyone else, has no right to stop you. And there is another sad point in our education system. Our Anti- Drug Program doesn’t teach the kids anything about the drugs themselves, it just preaches a “Just say No” attitude. I don’t have Kids of my own, but I was one, many moons ago, and I know how kids think. “Fuck you, I’ll figure it out my own self!” Or “What do you know?” You forget that teenagers Know EVERYTHING, and really don’t listen when you tell what to think. But studies have shown that when you give them the information they need to make an informed decision they, more often than not, will make the right choice. But we need to give them that option, otherwise they will make their decision based on bad information, or NO information. But, like I said, it’s your Body, do with it as you will. But just remember, you only get one, so try not to burn it out too early. Drugs are by nature dangerous, but with proper education, dosages, and regulations, we can limit that danger to manageable levels, reducing the risk of overdose, or death.
I know this is a very touchy subject. The people who Hate drugs want them gone completely, which will never happen. And the people who use them want free reign to use whatever, whenever. Also not going to happen. We need to meet in the middle, find common ground, and make these dangerous drugs, less dangerous to use, and less dangerous to get. Take the huge profits away from organized crime, and create a new cash-flow to help ease income taxes. It’s not rocket surgery People! Make anything Illegal and it gets more Dangerous, and more expensive. People can’t complain to the cops that some guy with a gun Stole his stash. An Escort can’t complain about how she was assaulted by a john, or her pimp. And your Father-in-Law can’t complain about how that guy behind the liquor store overcharged for his flys that didn’t work. Legalize it, and suddenly government steps in and can properly regulate the industries, clean them up, and make them safer for all involved.
Anyway, What am I trying to say? What is the message that I’m trying to get across? Your opinion doesn’t matter. My Opinion doesn’t matter. This is about Freedom. If we truly live in a free country then we should have the freedom to do whatever we want with our own body. It’s mine, If I wanted to have sex for money, It’s my body and in a free country I would have that Option. Again, It’s my Body, and If I wanted to rot it out with Drugs and Alcohol, that should be my right. As much as I know these things are dangerous, I also know that if we want to be truly free, then we need to have the option available to make that decision for ourselves. Lets clean these industries up, make them safer for all who make that choice, and let’s take the Profits away from Gangs, and use the tax dollars to help people. Legalized Marijuana works in Amsterdam, and Legalized Prostitution works in Nevada. And again, I don’t think I can say this enough, I Know what I’m saying. Let people do Drugs, and let people buy Sex. This is a tough Sell!! It’s not that I am in favor of any of it. I Hate drugs, I’ve never done them before, and I never will. I think Hookers are Nasty, and I would never pay for sex, EVER! But, who am I to tell you what you don’t have the freedom to do with your body, or your hard-earned money. You earned it, spend it on whatever you feel like. Who is anyone to say that you spent 40 hours a week working a shitty job and you can’t take the money you earned and do whatever you want with it? So, if we really want freedom, then we need to be truly free. Every time Politicians make something illegal that shouldn’t be, they take away more of our freedoms. Last time… I Don’t like these things, and would never EVER want to partake, but No One, absolutely NO ONE, has the right to tell you what you can, or can’t do with your own body, or In your Own Home (as Long as it doesn’t cause harm to someone else). Not the Police, Not the Government, not your Parents, not your church, not your friends… not Anyone! I can’t stop anyone from doing what they want to do, in a free country. Just stay the fuck out of my house… the Stoners, the whores, and the Government.
Alright, I know it’s coming… tell me how stupid I am. Go ahead. I know you want to. I can take it. I knew what I was in for when I started writing this. So… do your worst.
Ok, here we go…
Just so we’re 100% clear… Marijuana is a drug, just like Alcohol, Tobacco, Nicotine, Cocaine, and Heroin. They all have adverse effects on your health, on your Brain, etc . Some more than others. Prohibition was started by Religious whack jobs who wanted to control people. I’m sorry but Prohibition was Bullshit. I Don’t drink (much), I don’t smoke, and I’ve never done Drugs. I am a Stone Sober Atheist, professional. I support a person’s right to do what they want with their own body. It’s yours, if you want to rot it out with drugs and booze, be my Guest. In a truly free country you should have that right. I always feel we should err on the side of Freedom. As long as you don’t cause harm to someone else, whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is none of my business, none of your neighbour’s business, and none of the Government’s business. If Watching CNN with a cup of Coffee, in a 3-peice suit is what floats your boat, who am I to Judge. Or if A night of Hookers, Booze, and Blow is what does it for you, then too each their own. I Highly recommend that you stay away from the Booze and the Blow, but I have no issues with the hookers. Oh yeah, and that’s another freedom we seem to forget about. It’s her Body, and if she chooses to have sex for money, it’s no one’s concern. “Why is it Illegal to sell something that is perfectly legal to Give away?” –George Carlin. “If you’re good at something, Never do it for Free!” – The Joker. We should not be concerning ourselves with what 2 consenting Adults do behind closed doors. Regardless if it includes a monetary transaction, or not, it’s still 2 Consenting Adults in Private. People, keep your noses out of other peoples Genitals!! Taking money out of sex is actually a form of Discrimination. People want to have sex with attractive people, and there is almost nothing a less than attractive person can do to accomplish that, “Almost” Nothing. Why do Ugly rich Men have trophy wives? I’m guessing it’s not because she finds Hairy Backs, Acne, and Sweaty Pits attractive. Yes, some girls get into Prostitution as a last resort, or are forced into it, and it’s never a good thing. Everything should be done to help them get out and back on their feet. But in many places in the world, it is a profession like any other. It is regulated, the girls are well cared for, and above all… IT’S THEIR CHOICE! Even here in Alberta, an Escort Does it by choice. They are very attractive women, and they Charge an arm and a leg for their “Services.” If you want good service, you have to pay for it. If you make anything illegal, it becomes seedy, ugly, and dangerous. What if we were to ban fly fishing? Then your father in law buys his flies from the Mob. Is he a criminal? No. That is a freedom that was taken away from him, and he’s taking it back. Anytime government steps in and tries to take away something that people want, they will do whatever it takes to get it back, even breaking the law. Making things illegal that should not be illegal makes normal everyday people into criminals, and puts more money in the hands of organized crime.
The point is, whatever I believe personally, doesn’t matter! Not at All! It’s what is right that matters. I would love to see drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes Gone for good, but… that Isn’t going to happen. People take drugs because they get the desired effect. They work, that’s why people use them. They aren’t going away, so we might as well do everything we can to make them safer for everyone. Take the money away from organized crime, and Tax the crap out of it. Regulate the dosages, and treat it the same we would alcohol at a bar. If the guy has had too many… cut him off!! I know, easier said than done, and I don’t trust anyone in the government to sit the right way on a toilet seat. But regulation, monitoring, and tax dollars, are a much better solution than Guns, back alleys, tainted drugs, and overdoses! Another point on Pot, it’s not toxic enough to kill anyone. There is no reported cases, ANYWHERE (in any peer-reviewed medical journal papers/Journals), of anyone overdosing on marijuana. It cannot happen, it is simply not toxic enough. That being said, extended use has shown in medical testing that it does affect the brain’s ability to process memories, and it can adversely affect the nervous system causing issues with motor skills. But again, that is through prolonged usage, not your average “Take a toke on the weekend” stoner. Legalization will take money out of the hands of Criminals, ease the burden on our Legal system so they can deal with real crimes (you know, Murder, rape, arson, assault, armed robberies, etc), and regulate the doses to keep people from clogging our already overstuffed emergency rooms with overdose victims. We all have basic rights, and the right to be free and use our own body as we see fit is a Basic Human right. It cannot be negotiated out of our own charter of rights and freedoms. “Government big enough to supply everything you need, is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows that as Government grows, Liberty decreases.” –Thomas Jefferson. The war on drugs costs us, Canadian Taxpayers, over 2 Billion dollars a year. I can think of at least a hundred things that money could be better spent on. Health care, Education, infrastructure, The arts, Right to play, Medical research, foreign Aid, and the list can go on forever. It’s time we, as a people, pulled our heads out of the sand (or our asses) and did the right thing for once. Give people back their freedom. That’s an amazing thing, to have the freedom to make the wrong choice is still freedom in its most basic sense. I hate drugs, and I wish they didn’t exist, but I also want a toilet made of solid gold, a Mansion in Beverly Hills, and a Ferrari. But you can wish in one hand, and crap in the other, and see which gets filled first.
And, Just because we legalize it, doesn’t mean we’re going to have total anarchy, either. The people who want to try it while it was illegal will still want to try it when it is legal. And the people who are appalled by it, won’t decide that “since it’s legal, I may as well give it a shot.” It doesn’t work that way (of course there are exceptions to every rule). That’s like saying the only reason you didn’t slaughter your neighbor, and rape his daughter, is because it’s illegal. That’s Insane! You know it’s wrong, and if it suddenly became OK by law, you wouldn’t decide that it’s a good idea, would you? If you said yes, then you should talk to a professional very soon! So, we may as well make these activities safer for those who would make the choice to try it regardless of its legality. If it was Legal when I was in High school, I still would not have tried it. I knew they were not for me then, and I still feel the same. But who am I to make that call for someone else? It’s not my responsibility to tell anyone how to live their lives. You are responsible for you, and your choices have consequences. If you are properly educated on the dangers of these drugs, and still think it’s worth the risk, then I, or anyone else, has no right to stop you. And there is another sad point in our education system. Our Anti- Drug Program doesn’t teach the kids anything about the drugs themselves, it just preaches a “Just say No” attitude. I don’t have Kids of my own, but I was one, many moons ago, and I know how kids think. “Fuck you, I’ll figure it out my own self!” Or “What do you know?” You forget that teenagers Know EVERYTHING, and really don’t listen when you tell what to think. But studies have shown that when you give them the information they need to make an informed decision they, more often than not, will make the right choice. But we need to give them that option, otherwise they will make their decision based on bad information, or NO information. But, like I said, it’s your Body, do with it as you will. But just remember, you only get one, so try not to burn it out too early. Drugs are by nature dangerous, but with proper education, dosages, and regulations, we can limit that danger to manageable levels, reducing the risk of overdose, or death.
I know this is a very touchy subject. The people who Hate drugs want them gone completely, which will never happen. And the people who use them want free reign to use whatever, whenever. Also not going to happen. We need to meet in the middle, find common ground, and make these dangerous drugs, less dangerous to use, and less dangerous to get. Take the huge profits away from organized crime, and create a new cash-flow to help ease income taxes. It’s not rocket surgery People! Make anything Illegal and it gets more Dangerous, and more expensive. People can’t complain to the cops that some guy with a gun Stole his stash. An Escort can’t complain about how she was assaulted by a john, or her pimp. And your Father-in-Law can’t complain about how that guy behind the liquor store overcharged for his flys that didn’t work. Legalize it, and suddenly government steps in and can properly regulate the industries, clean them up, and make them safer for all involved.
Anyway, What am I trying to say? What is the message that I’m trying to get across? Your opinion doesn’t matter. My Opinion doesn’t matter. This is about Freedom. If we truly live in a free country then we should have the freedom to do whatever we want with our own body. It’s mine, If I wanted to have sex for money, It’s my body and in a free country I would have that Option. Again, It’s my Body, and If I wanted to rot it out with Drugs and Alcohol, that should be my right. As much as I know these things are dangerous, I also know that if we want to be truly free, then we need to have the option available to make that decision for ourselves. Lets clean these industries up, make them safer for all who make that choice, and let’s take the Profits away from Gangs, and use the tax dollars to help people. Legalized Marijuana works in Amsterdam, and Legalized Prostitution works in Nevada. And again, I don’t think I can say this enough, I Know what I’m saying. Let people do Drugs, and let people buy Sex. This is a tough Sell!! It’s not that I am in favor of any of it. I Hate drugs, I’ve never done them before, and I never will. I think Hookers are Nasty, and I would never pay for sex, EVER! But, who am I to tell you what you don’t have the freedom to do with your body, or your hard-earned money. You earned it, spend it on whatever you feel like. Who is anyone to say that you spent 40 hours a week working a shitty job and you can’t take the money you earned and do whatever you want with it? So, if we really want freedom, then we need to be truly free. Every time Politicians make something illegal that shouldn’t be, they take away more of our freedoms. Last time… I Don’t like these things, and would never EVER want to partake, but No One, absolutely NO ONE, has the right to tell you what you can, or can’t do with your own body, or In your Own Home (as Long as it doesn’t cause harm to someone else). Not the Police, Not the Government, not your Parents, not your church, not your friends… not Anyone! I can’t stop anyone from doing what they want to do, in a free country. Just stay the fuck out of my house… the Stoners, the whores, and the Government.
Alright, I know it’s coming… tell me how stupid I am. Go ahead. I know you want to. I can take it. I knew what I was in for when I started writing this. So… do your worst.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
OMG!! The attack of the Words!
There is no such thing as bad words. It's the context that makes them good or bad. You can say anything, in a bad context, with malicious intent, not using "bad Words" and it is bad. But saying something with a smile, and no malicious intent, but using a word that someone doesn't like, is also bad?? It makes no sense! There are no bad Words, only bad thoughts, bad intentions, and bad people. The words are completely innocent.
Deciding that a series of sounds strung together to form a word in any language is bad is insane! The idea that there are certain sequences of sounds, that when said, would make someone uncomfortable for reasons they can’t quite explain, is a very primitive notion! The word dog for example, Du-au-guh. We happen to have chosen that word, or those sounds, to match that little yapping animal. But hen instead of saying dog, we say Ff-u-ck, that is considered bad. Also, the words we find profane change over time. In the early 1900s, the word “Humbug” was deemed a Bad word. 100 years later, a 5 year old will say it on the street and everyone thinks it's cute. Imagine what 5 year olds will be saying in 100 years. Today, Humbug just doesn’t have the impact it once did. We now say Bullshit!
Most people aren't afraid of bad language, or “Barnyard Vulgarity”; they just want it in their own style of infantile baby talk. Using the initials BS is ok, but saying Bullshit is bad. How hypocritical is that? You know what BS means, but using the real word is bad? Or how about Balderdash? It means the same thing in your head; you just think that it's more pleasant! These people think it's unpleasant language that makes the world unpleasant, not unpleasant behaviour. Balderdash means a muddle, or mess, usually of alcoholic Beverages. But now we are using it as simple ejaculation.
You want a higher form of Language? You want me to use better words? ... Ok I’ll try it your way. "You Unpleasant, myopic, impotent, despite!” Better? Or would you rather me just call you an asshole and move on? Perhaps it is the context in which words are spoken that gives them the power, or meaning. Not the words themselves.
On October 4th, 1961, a Comedian named Lenny Bruce was the last person in this hemisphere to be arrested for obscene speech. He said “to' is a preposition, 'come' is a verb", that the sexual context of "come" is so common that it bears no weight, and that if someone hearing it becomes upset, he "probably can't come."” He was eventually aquited of all charges. 2 years later in Los Angeles, Bruce was arrested again for language. The specification this time was that the comedian had used the word "schmuck", an insulting Yiddish term that is also an obscene term for penis. Are you kidding me? Later, in 1973, George Carlin’s “7 Dirty words you can’t say on TV” caused a sensation. Carlin was chagred with Incedency, and took it all the way to the Supreme court. Carlin (and the good guys) lost and the FCC (in the US) has used it as legal precident ever since.
“Government big enough to supply everthing you need, is big enough to take everything you have. The course of History shows that as a government Grows, Liberty Decreases.”-- Thomas Jefferson
I have a right to say what I want, where I want, when I want. And you do have a right to be offended. But you don’t have the right to tell me that I don’t have the right to say what I want, because it offends you. To these people free speech isn’t!
When you really think about this issue, these straight-laced solipsists aren’t asking that we control our anger, or that we change our behaviour. They aren’t asking that we treat each other with more respect or patience. They aren’t trying to be Nicer. They just want you to shout something they feel is appropriate when you feel like shouting. They don’t care about the package, just the gift-wrap. They don’t advocate peace; they don’t care if you speak with hate. They want only to change the exact words. As if the words are what make discourse hateful, or distasteful. They think the avoidance of certain words will signal an education. HUMBUG! It’s the words you use, not the ones you don’t use that show what you know. It’s trivial to hurt your feelings with the “Squeaky-cleanest” of words. It’s also trivial to tell you we love you with the most “Vulgar” Profanity. In Some instances, it even adds a little fun to the love. Marshall McLuhan was just wrong!! The message is the message.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
They should have seen me comming!! :)
Before I really get into the hard hitting, profanity laced, fact infused, dismantling of the psychic profession, I just need to get a few things clear right off the bat. One is a legal matter. Since I am really not hiding who I am on this blog, I need to be able to cover my ass in case of any potential litigation. Calling someone a liar, fraud, or a quack, could be misconstrued as Slander, and is thusly Punishable under the law. But oddly enough… saying they are Assholes, or Mother Fuckers, is completely safe. Saying these were all scams, could also get me in trouble. But Bullshit, strangely enough, is Safe. So you’ll have to forgive my gratuitous use of profanity, I’m trying to talk about the truth without spending the rest of my life in court because of “Litigious Mother fuckers!” But really, when we’re dealing with psychics… shouldn’t they have seen me coming?
Secondly, I have to make it very clear where my heart is. I have nothing but empathy for anyone who is experiencing the loss and grief, of the death of a loved one. I’m a bit of a momma’s boy, and I’m not ashamed to admit that. And I’m very close to my Dad; he’s one of my best friends. I don’t know what I would do without them. Or, I can’t even begin to imagine their pain, if either I, or my sister were to die. I hear stories about people who lost a child, and my heart really does bleed for them. It’s never something you would want to happen to anyone. Or if one, or both of your parents are gone, I can’t begin to imagine the feelings of pain and loss. Harry Houdini, the first real documented de-mystifier of psychics, didn’t really go crazy Busting these Psychics until he lost his Mom. Once you’ve felt that Pure Grief, Seeing it exploited can take away your sense of Humor. Once our loved ones are gone, all we have left is our memories of them. My grandmother passed away a few years ago, and my memories of her, and the time I spent with her are very precious to me. How low do you have to be to exploit someone’s pure grief to make a few bucks, or to sell some fucked-up book? I don’t give a rat’s ass about the money these assholes are taking from the grief stricken. What I do care about, deeply, is the desecration of memories. The grieving person’s memories end up all fucked up because of someone else’s images. All we have left of our loved ones is memories, and these pigs piss on them for money, and a little unearned fame. I’m sure these lame fucks tell themselves they’re easing the grief, but “skits for money” cannot replace loving memories.
Well, now that the sappy stuff is out of the way, let’s Bust up this party!
I will tell you right now that 0% of what any Psychic, Medium, Tarot card reader, or aura reader, will tell you is actually due to psychic ability. Science can explain every single thing they do. This is a skill that doesn’t require any type of supernatural ability. It’s just a skill that requires a good understanding of Human nature, and knowing what your subject wants, and giving it to them. In order to fool people these “performance artists” use a number of techniques. The most common trick they use is called “Cold Reading.” It a process of asking for information, while giving the impression you are getting this information from some supernatural source, like dead people talking. The Psychic will make a lot of guesses, and of course, the more guesses you make the better chance you have of making accurate guesses. It’s a more difficult method to use in a one on one setting, so most of these Bullshitters will use another method, commonly referred to as the “Shot-gun Approach.” They rely on the better odds they have of getting a random “hit” when working with a larger audience. That is where another trick usually comes into play. It’s referred to as the “Question Trick.” The psychic will try to look very knowing, and then say something to the group like “Who’s Mary? Who’s Mary?” Or maybe not phrase it like a question, but word it as “I’m getting a ‘J’ sounding name, like James, or John. Does that mean anything to anyone?” And the believers will jump up, supply the information to fill in the gaps, and be very convinced by it. “He told me my Mother’s name was Mary.” No he didn’t, it was a question. Using these techniques, and by exploiting the grieving “believers,” they can fumble together a reading that to someone who is emotionally fragile, and not thinking clearly, would really sound like they knew what they were doping. When you combine the emotionally fragile, and some good showmanship, the con artist is likely going to pull off their Bullshit. The believers forget the embarrassing misses, and count and exaggerate the hits. It’s a phenomenon that P.T. Barnum made famous in the late 1800s; “People want to be fooled.” It is now commonly referred to as the Barnum Effect, and psychics use this to their advantage, very well. Part of the problem is the Believers are really wanting, no sorry, ‘needing’ this to be true, and that clouds their judgment, and rational thinking. Honestly, if we were voting on whether we want this to be true, my vote is yes. Who wouldn’t want to contact a deceased relative? That’s a very attractive concept. If you were not thinking clearly or rationally, you would really want them to succeed, which is what you came for. But you have to ask yourself “is it really so, or am I just being hustled?” These Methods have been around for hundreds of years, and were routinely De-bunked by Harry Houdini in the early 1900’s. And he was making headway into proving this Bullshit trickery, until his untimely death in October of 1926, due to Peritonitis, caused by a ruptured appendix. Before he died, Harry and His wife His agreed on a code word, in the case that one of them died before the other (a likely scenario, but none the less, that was the plan). This code word would be to prove to the other that they were really talking to each other through a Psychic, or medium. The code they decided upon was “Rosabelle believe.” Every Halloween, for 10 years after his death, his wife Bess, would hold séance to try to communicate with him, but no psychic could ever produce the Codeword. Even in Death, Houdini was the best debunker of Psychic assholes. “Hey Harry, can you believe it? The same Bullshit, you so thoroughly debunked almost a century ago, is continuing. And even enjoying a resurgence.” See, anyone can “talk” to the dead… Getting an answer, that’s the hard Part.
Psychics who seem to know a too much about you, are likely doing what is now referred to as a “Hot Reading.” As opposed to a “Cold Reading”, where they come in “cold.” They don’t know you from Adam. A hot reading is a little different. It’s when the psychic has found a way to do some research on the victim Beforehand. Today, things like Face-Book, Twitter, and My-Space, are huge tools. Most people don’t lock their content, so a Psychic can go online and find out where you live, where you spent your last vacation, the members of your family, your friends, what type of car you drive, what pets you have, and so on. All things they can use to make it appear they are psychic. There have also been cases where a Psychic has hired private investigator to dig up the required information. It is a large up-front expense, but they know if they can be convincing enough they can keep a person on the hook for much more than they spent on getting the info. Another method of Information gathering is a hidden microphone in the waiting room. It’s simple. They place it under a table or a chair, and while you are there with a friend of Family member talking, they gather all the information they will need that way. The last and Final method of “Hot Reading” is a friend of a friend. It obvious that this friend has spoken to the psychic about you before, and thinks the psychic can help. This is the easiest way for them to get all the information on you they will need to be convincing. “Oh, my Friend, So-and-So, moved here a few years ago when her mother died, and she has been having trouble getting over it. Maybe she should talk to you.” Well guess what, that is all the psychic needs to get started. And they didn’t even have to work for it. This method is mostly used in a “one on one” reading, because most of those are scheduled a few days, to a few weeks, in advance.
Taking up the mantle of exposing this bullshit for the last 50 years has been the Amazing Randi. Now James Randi of the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF). "Perhaps nobody in the world understands both the virtues and the failings of the paranormal as well as Randi does. His qualifications as a rational human being are unparalleled" -Isaac Asimov. Randi is now using his skills as a magician, and a skeptic, to bust psychics and other paranormal phenomena, using his foundation in Florida, and his $1,000,000.00 prize. It’s very simple to win. Prove you can do what you claim you can do… Win a Million Dollars! Approximately 250 psychics apply annually for the prize, claiming some form of psychic, or paranormal, power or ability. The 1 Million Dollar prize was first announced in 1996, prior to that James Randi had a prize of 10,000, then 25,000, 50,000, and up to 100,000, before forming the Educational Foundation, and raising the 1,000,000.00 prize (it is invested at Goldman & Sacks in New York, and can only be removed from the account for the purpose of awarding the prize).
James Van Praagh, is a psychic who has his own daytime TV show in the states. One of the things he likes to tell you is how your deceased friend or relative got deceased. He’ll say things like “He tells me, before he passed, that he had trouble breathing.” Folks, that’s what dying is all about! You stop breathing, and then you’re dead! It’s that simple. And that’s the kind of information he’s going to bring back for you? I don’t think so.
These performers will say things like “I’m hearing ‘Electricity.’ He’s saying to me ‘Electricity.’ Was he an Electrician?” No. “Did he have an electric Razor?” No. It’s a game of 20 questions! Until they narrow it down to a point where they can sound like they know the person. The sad thing is that the victims in all this will forget all the misses, and exaggerate the hits. They want it so badly that their brain takes a hike, and they just believe it so deeply. They don’t just want it to be true… they NEED it to be true. Any thought otherwise would be to admit their loved one is really gone. And that’s too painful for them. It all comes back to the “Barnum Effect.” “People want to be fooled.”
Another so-called psychic, who has his own TV show, is John Edward. Same deal as that Asshole Van Praagh. These TV psychics have it pretty good. They work with an audience of hundreds (shot-gun Approach), and those hundreds are all there because they truly believe, and are emotionally fragile. Jon even gives a little helpful advice to any forgetful fan, “Bring a copy of your Family Tree to the show, just in case.” Yeah, just in case one of your relatives you’ve never talked to, never met before, or never even knew existed decides they want to share a moment with you. Yeah, ok. Asshole. “Most of the misses people think are misses, are not misses.”—Jon Edward. Riiiight…. It’s a hit, but the grieving are too stupid to figure it out. Most of these shows tape for over 2 hours, then are edited down to 45 minutes to fit into a 1 hour TV slot. So how come no one ever hears about those embarrassing misses they edit out of the shows? Both Van Praagh, and Edward, have huge release forms, that the TV audiences have to sign. Van Praagh’s, specifically is over 20 pages, and is the largest release form I have ever seen. (It was available on line, but when I went there to make a copy to reference for you, it had been removed.) The non-disclosure clause is very suspicious, to me at least. You judge it for you self. “Neither anyone acting on my behalf, nor I, shall speak to any media representative, or source, about any aspect of my participation in the series.” What are they so afraid of? It’s very unusual, and seems to be very protective of what goes on inside the studio during the taping of the show.
One Psychic, who I’m sure you’ve seen on TV, is Sylvia Browne, “The Talons.” (If you know what she looks like, you’re probably laughing) Sylvia charges $700, for a 20-minute reading… Over the Telephone! She won’t even see you in person. And you have to book ahead by almost 2 years. For that measly $700 investment, she gives you the names of your Guardian angels. Well without that how would you ever be able to function? And she tells you who you were in previous lives. Now, the JREF has hundreds of these conversations on tape in their library, and a pattern has emerged. All the men were once Grecian Warriors, fighting with Agamemnon, and the women were all Babylonian Princesses, or something along those lines. Nothing is ever said of a 13-year-old “Boot Black” in the streets of London, who died of consumption. He’s not important enough to be reincarnated, apparently. The one thing I find odd about these situations is that they never seem to call anyone back from Hell. Everyone went to Heaven, and No one is in Hell. Now, Sylvia is an exception, in one way. She is the only professional psychic in the world to accept Mr. Randi’s challenge. She accepted it Live on the Larry King Live show back in 2002, and the JREF didn’t hear from her for 6 and a half years. She then said that she didn’t know how to get a hold of him. ??? A professional psychic who talks to dead people, and she can’t reach him? He’s a live, I know, I’ve talked to him (via Email, but to me it counts!) (Video of Sylvia accepting the challenge is available on You-tube.) Another issue with this scary Bitch, she was on the Montell Williams show a few years ago, and was talking to the Parents of a man who had gone missing a month previous. She was asked specifically “Is he still with us?” Basically asking if he was still alive. She responded with a simple no. This absolutely crushed the family. They then went ahead with funeral arrangements, only to find out a few weeks later their son was still alive, and living in another state. This sent Sylvia into serious damage control, making up all kinds of bullshit to try to cover her own ass. (Again, CNN’s coverage of this story is available on You-Tube. And it’s very damming.)
Uri Gellar, a young Israeli, in the early 70’s, who claimed to have Psychic magical powers. Things like Mind reading, Bending metal spoons or keys, locating water hidden inside metal containers. Uri was scheduled to appear on the tonight show with Johnny Carson. Johnny, having been a magician himself, was skeptical of his abilities, and contacted James Randi to devise a test to confirm his abilities. A few dozen props were displayed for Uri to work with, and his people were not allowed to be anywhere near them. When he was pressed to perform his typical tricks, he was unable to perform any of them. And, as Randi would later show on a PBS special in the early 80’s, he was unable to perform those tricks, because they required hours of preparation (weakening the spoons, pre bending the keys, etc. All things that Randi would then duplicate using the same trickery as Gellar). Unfortunately, that appearance had little effect on Gellar’s career. But, as it tends to happen, his star faded, and he went home to Israel in the late 80’s. Uri has also never applied for the Million-dollar Prize. (note: Again, the video of this is available on You tube, and I encourage you to view it.)
And the US doesn’t have a monopoly on Bullshit. There are plenty of these Bullshitting assholes here in Calgary. A google search turns up a few hundred, just in Calgary. Funny enough, some of them also offer, astrology, and hypnotherapy services as well. Wow, branching out into other forms of Bullshit, are we? I’m still waiting for the same headline Jay Leno is waiting for, “Psychic wins Lottery.” Clairvoyant Kim, who is consistently on the radio, is one of the local assholes that needs to be stopped. If you ever hear her on CJay, her “readings” are so scatter-brained, nonsensical, and just plain ridiculous, that it could apply to anyone, and about almost anything. I listened, and a few tings she said could have applied to me, or my parents, or my sister, hell, even the Dog!! She just throws so much information out at once, and hopes that something will fit. Like throwing Shit at the wall, hoping something might actually stick. Which is actually a very accurate metaphor. She hits rarely, but people so badly want it to work that they ignore all the misses, and focus on the one thing she got right. At that point she goes for the jugular, and focuses right in on that one thing, and plays it up as the “be all to end all” of your life, and people buy it. They should be embarrassed, and she should be ashamed. I really wish we had the means to prosecute these Assholes, but as of now there is no section under the law to prosecute psychics, in Canada or the US. But, in Australia, they do have legislation. They can be prosecuted under Fraud, for charging for a service they are unable to provide. Thank you Australia. Hopefully that same legislation will be in Canada in my lifetime.
If these psychics were really talking to the dead, why would they even get it slightly wrong? Why would they have to ask you any questions? If they were really talking to the dead, they should have this information, and should be able to supply it to us. Why would you have to tell them your dad liked to fish, or was an Electrician? Or, that your Grandmother made amazing sugar cookies? Why wouldn’t your mom, who was smart and funny, and sharp-witted, suddenly not remember 1 or 2 letters of her own name? These psychic assholes are making you do all the work, put the information together in your head which ever way fits best to what you want to hear, and then taking all the credit. When you’re vulnerable, and looking for answers, there is always someone there willing to sell you one.
So, obviously, psychics are, always have been, and always will be… BULLSHIT! One of the weird things Houdini discovered was that some of these Mediums actually fall into believing their own Bullshit. They forget their own misses, or even worse, write them off as hits that “we’re just not able to recognize.” Cold Reading can be done accidentally, but that doesn’t mean that the psychic is a better person. Lying to themselves does not make lying to others OK. It can make intellectually lazy scumbags, more convincing and dangerous. But even if these fucks know they’re just making this shit up, and pushing peoples buttons, they tell themselves “At least I’m comforting the bereaved.” Who the fuck are they to decide that lying about the universe, and dead loved one, is what the bereaved needs? That’s condescending Bullshit! There’s a very good reason for all the audience contracts they have to stop the victims from talking after they leave the show. When the pressure is off, and grieving relative gets a chance to think, some of them figure it out. Given a minute to think about it, this shit is pretty easy to figure. We’re all vulnerable, but no, we’re not all suckers. The pain can be great, and we can want to believe, but there’s hope that we can be strong enough to climb out of the bullshit superstitions that have drained away some of our Humanity. You don’t heal a broken heart by pretending it’s not broken.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Hockey Oracle Speaks:
Well, greetings and Salutations Hockey Fans. I AM the Hockey Oracle. The 2011 Stanley Cup playoffs begin at 5:00 pm (local MST) Wednesday afternoon, and as is the tradition in Canada, anyone with a mind for the game will be making predictions. And I am no Different, so here we go… (I’ll save the best 2 for last. Ha. Now you have to read the whole thing!!) I’ll try to keep these short, because when I get talking about Hockey, (HOCKEY!!!! WOOOOOOO, Hockey!!!!) I could go on for hours!!
Washington Capitals (1) vs New York Rangers (8):
The Rangers were able to sneak into the playoffs with a win in game 82. A valiant effort down the stretch got them into the post season. Unfortunately their opponent has stormed into the playoffs as well, stealing top spot in the conference away from the Flyers in the last week. “Ovie and friends” will be looking for some playoff success after being ousted in the second and first rounds of the last few playoffs. As always in Washington, Goaltending will be a problem. Inexperience in goal has plagued them before, and I suspect it will again. To make up for this, the Caps will have to Score in Bunches. The team that scored the second most goals in the regular season will literally have to “light it up” to win this series. Easier said than done when your opponent has King Henrik (Lundqvist) in goal. This guy can single handedly steal you a series. And the Rangers have an offensive weapon of their own in Marion Gaborik. Who can score almost at will, when he puts his mind to it. Give the edge to the Rangers in goal. The edge to Washington on Offence. Call the defense a wash. This series will come down to Special teams. And with Ovechkin, Backstrom, Semin, and Green, the power play should make the difference. The Verdict: Take the Capitals in 6.
Tampa bay Lightning (5) vs Pittsburgh Penguins (4):
Without Captain Sydney Crosby, and former Conn Smythe trophy winner Evgeni Malkin, in the lineup, this series should be Tampa’s to lose. But don’t take anything away from those Pens just yet. They maintained a High level of play without their two superstars. Mostly on the back of Goaltender Mac-Andre Fleury. At the other end, the lightning will turn to Dwayne Roloson. A goalie, who at times this season has looked Brilliant, and at other times looked very average. Roloson carried the Oilers to the Finals in 2007, and if he can return to form, he could be the “X-Factor” in the series. Tampa also boasts one of the more potent offences, and one of the league’s most dangerous Power plays. Lead by Stamkos, St. Louis, and Lecavalier. It looks fairly likely that Pittsburgh will get Crosby back in the lineup at some point in the first round, or early second(if they make it past the first round.) but if not, this is going to be Tampa Bay, all the way. The Verdict: Take Tampa in 6 (maybe 7)
Philadelphia Flyers (2) vs Buffalo Sabers (7):
Philadelphia is the number 2 seed, but they are without All-star defenseman Chris Pronger. They have also been rotating 3 different goalies all year, and that has worked until now. They limped into the playoffs, losing a lead of 7 points in the conference, and falling to 2nd behind Washington. Now they will have to find out which of their goalies has the “Hot hand” and try to ride him to a long playoff run. I don’t think it’s going to work, since when you look at the other end of the ice and you See Ryan Miller. A perennial All-Star goalie who can steal you games. How else do you think the Sabers got into the playoffs? It wasn’t by scoring a huge heap of goals! I would normally say this would give Buffalo a decided edge, but… wait a minute. Philly has a pretty potent offence, and can come at you from all sides, with speed. Ryan Miller will be facing a shooting gallery in the Buffalo net. And if he can stand on his head, they may have a chance. This could be a very interesting 2-7 series to watch. Buffalo is stingy, but has trouble scoring in Bunches. Philly can score in Bunches but are going up against Ryan Miller, and their goalies can’t stop a beach ball hurled at them by a toddler. I ‘d say this series is pretty even.
The Verdict: Philly in 7 (maybe even in OT)
Anaheim Ducks (4) vs Nashville Predators (5):
Nashville has been the perennial playoff “whipping boy!” With a first round exit an annual thing. And this year should be no different. They don’t have the talent, or the experience to go deep. The x-factor in this series will be Goaltending. Hiller, and Emery are hurt, and Anaheim is forced to go with 3rd string goalie Dan Ellis. Ellis has never seen a playoff game before, and could get shelled early by a Nashville team that doesn’t know when to quit. Nashville, on the other hand, will go with Pekke Rinne in Goal. No playoff experiences either, but has been standing on his head since late October, and I don’t see him looking back anytime soon. His biggest challenge will be stopping NHL Goal scoring leader Correy Perry, and his line mates of Getzlaf, and Ryan. If you can stop them, the pain isn’t over. The ducks second line boasts one of the most prolific goal scorers in NHL history in Teemu Selane. Shea Webber is going to have his Hands full, for sure. In spite of their Goaltending issues, Anaheim is still the better team here.
The Verdict: Anaheim in 6.
San Jose Sharks (2) vs Los Angeles Kings (7):
And the winner of the “Who gives a Flying Rats ass Cup” is…. This series! The most interesting story line here is that there are more teams from California in the playoffs, than Canadian teams in the playoffs. That’s really sad. The Sharks are primed for their annual playoff failure, but I have a feeling that it won’t be a first round exit. The kings are without Anze Kopitar, and Justin Williams. 2 of their top 3 leading scorers. Without the teams only real offensive threat, they will be hard pressed to provide any kind of resistance to San Jose. Jonathan Quick will again provide stellar goaltending for the Kings, but it won’t be enough.
The Verdict: San Jose in 5.
Detroit Red Wings (3) vs Phoenix Coyotes (6):
In a re-match of a series that last year provided us with some very entertaining hockey, the Wings will once again be entertaining the Coyotes. This series is a lot more even than it looks on paper. These teams tend to match up very well against one another.
That makes it a very hard series to call. Last year these teams went to game 7, where Detroit beat the Coyotes by a lot. I can’t remember the exact score, but it was officially a “Rout!” I wouldn’t expect that this year. Phoenix has been quietly playing well this year. If Bryzgalov stands on his head, then I can easily see The Coyotes winning this series. So if there has to be an upset somewhere… I would imagine it could be here.
That makes it a very hard series to call. Last year these teams went to game 7, where Detroit beat the Coyotes by a lot. I can’t remember the exact score, but it was officially a “Rout!” I wouldn’t expect that this year. Phoenix has been quietly playing well this year. If Bryzgalov stands on his head, then I can easily see The Coyotes winning this series. So if there has to be an upset somewhere… I would imagine it could be here.
The Verdict: Phoenix in 7
Boston Bruins (3) vs Montreal Canadiens (6)
There is some serious bad blood here. These two team do not like each other. This will be the 34th time they have met in the playoffs, and Montreal has had the edge in the past. But this year the “Big Bad Bruins” seems to be back. The line of Lucic, Horton, and Kreijci are just about the biggest trio we have seen in the league since the “legion of Doom. “ Then you add in all 6’7, 270lbs of Zedeno Chara, and Holy crap those guys are Big!! The bruins also have arguably the best goalie in the NHL right now in Tim Thomas. How are you going to beat these Beasts in the east? With Speed and skill. And Montreal has plenty of speed. The players might be smaller, but man can they move the puck quick. And that is what’s needed to beat a team that can dominate you physically. Don’t give them too many chances to slow you down. Make them try to play your game. In goal for Montreal is Carey Price. Can he duplicate what Jaroslaz Halak did last year? I think he can. He has the talent, and the drive, now all we need is to see it in the playoffs. If Boston gets their way, and imposes their size on the smaller Montreal forwards, it’s all over. But if Montreal can use their speed and skill to keep the bigger Boston boys chasing, then this could be an upset waiting to happen. All the smart money is on Boston to win, but I’ve never been known to be the sharpest Knife on the tree.
The Verdict: Take Montreal in 7. “You cannot hit, what you cannot catch!”
Vancouver Canucks (1) vs Chicago Blackhawks (8)
Here we go again. Chicago has really had Vancouver’s number in the playoffs the last 2 years, ousting them in the second round twice. The second time en route to a Stanley Cup. On paper, this is an obvious mismatch. Vancouver has better Offence, better Defense, better Goaltending, better Power play, better penalty Kill… Better everything. But what they don’t have… A Stanley cup. The regular season is over, and all the teams are back to square one. The reason that the Canucks have had so much trouble with Chicago is that Blackhawks coach Joel Quenville, seems to have employed a game-plan that is tailor-made for slowing down the Canucks. Alain Vingeult is going to have to figure out a way to counter act that. And it’s not going to be easy. Looking down the Line ups, the Canucks are deeper in every position. Vancouver’s top 6 on defense are arguably the best top 6 in the league. And their top line of Daniel & Henrik Sedin, matched with Alex Burrows can almost score at will. Their Power-play has dominated since October, and most importantly… Roberto Luongo is Rested, and ready! The time has come for Vancouver to exercise their past Demons, and get over that Chicago Hump. They have the talent, they have the desire, now it’s time to put it into action. This team is just way to good to fall prey to the same team 3 years in a row. Chicago is just not the same team they were in 2010. Sketchy goaltending down the stretch, a bottom 6 group of forwards that was decimated by the salary cap. This will be the best series of the first round, in terms of entertainment value, but maybe not in Length.
The Verdict: Canucks in 5 (maybe 6)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Coming out Atheist.

When I was little, I always did what I was told, as any good Christian boy should. My parents went to church every Sunday like clockwork. I liked those Sundays, because I got to see some of my other friends, play with the wide array of toys, and run around in the gym. And on the way home we went to McDonalds for a Happy meal! Oh, and they threw in some religion too. They taught us about Jesus, God, and the bible, but never really getting into too much detail. We were young, and impressionable. We believed our elders knew more than us, and so we believed it with out really thinking about it. Ok, Jesus Died for our sins. Sucks to be Jesus. I never really thought about it too much. I took what our teacher said at face value. My parents seemed to think everything here was on the up and up, so I went with it. I was one of those blind followers, who didn’t examine what I was being told. That was until I reached about 14. That’s when my Eyes began to open.
In our Church, which happened to be Lutheran, at 14 a person qualified for what is called “Confirmation Class.” It is a 2-year program of Bible study, and once a week classes. Upon completion of this course you are paraded out in front of the Congregation in a white robe and you proclaim your commitment to God in front of all your friends and Family. It was in those two years where I started to realize… I didn’t believe a word of this crap!
In Sunday school we were read specific passages from the bible. Just the stuff they wanted us to know, or accept. The usual, like how a guy lived in a whale, another guy put 2 of every living creature on a boat, how some other guy died and rose from the dead, and how his mother was a virgin, Blah blah blah. But in Confirmation class things were a little more in depth, and that is where my belief in this deity began to waver. Part of our “homework” (yeah, homework from Bible class, yippy) was to read the bible. We were only given specific chapters to read, but being a keener, I read the whole damn thing… twice! “In the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth…” “Ok, so if god created everything, how old is the universe?” I asked our Pastor. His answer was, according to the Bible, the earth was approximately 5000-6000 years old. “Ok, but if that is true, then how do you explain the dinosaurs? Aren’t they over 65 million years old?” He told me that the earth wasn’t old enough for that to be accurate, and that carbon dating techniques are flawed. Hmm, right off the bat I had pinned him in a corner, because I knew that carbon dating was fairly accurate, we were taught that in our grade 9 Science class. Not a hard concept to grasp, really. Carbon degrades at a specific rate, and using that you can determine how old an object is. Score 1 for me.
Adam and Eve, the first 2 humans on the planet, placed in the Garden of Eden by god. “Ok, if we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, and if human in-breeding leads to Genetic Mutation, how have humans been able to survive this long without being deformed? And didn’t the bible say incest was a sin?” “Well Jason, Adam and eve weren’t brother and sister, so that would be OK.” “But the bible says they only had 3 sons. So wouldn’t that have meant that one of those sons would have had to sleep with his mother? And wouldn’t that have been incest, and a sin?” The pastor didn’t really have an answer for that one. Only 2 weeks in and I’ve got him on the ropes. Sorry Pastor, 2-0.
I guess the next step is Noah, the ark, the flood, and 2 of every living creature. “Ok, how was it possible for someone to build a boat capable of carrying 2 of all 10 billion+ species on earth, and then have them dispersed so that they all end up in the right place afterwards?” The only answer he could offer was that God had helped him. Sorry dude, but that answer doesn’t work. “Oh, and since god had killed everyone on Earth, and left only a single Family… aren’t we back to the incest question again?” Again I had him stumped. 4-0. There are many Cultures that have “Noah” stories. They are all along the same lines. Big flood, boat full of goods and animals, happy landing on a hilltop, etc. Many of these stories originated in the areas around the Tigris, and Euphrates rivers, around what is now present-day Iraq. One such story involves a Sumerian King, named Zyethsudra. One year, about 2100BC, there was a 6-day storm and the Euphrates River overflowed the levys, and a lot of people got killed. Zyethsudra commandeered a local barge, and rode the flood down stream where he eventually ran aground. Being thankful to be alive, he offered a sacrifice in a hilltop temple. Big flood, boat full of goods, happy landing on a hilltop! And there is historical, and archaeological evidence to support that.
I should probably mention that I wasn’t the only person in this class. There were 5 of us in this group. Unfortunately, while I was grilling the Pastor to provide me with any evidence, or proof of some kind, the others were taking notes, and reading ahead so they would be ready for next week. So far all of my questions, and logic, had fallen on deaf ears. They were so convinced that God existed, that they didn’t even want to hear what I had to say. I was challenging their Faith, and God is infallible, and shouldn’t be challenged… apparently. I’ll be honest, at this point believed in God, but I was starting to wonder if maybe my faith was misplaced. My parents and grandparents were still avid Christians, and if I didn’t get confirmed, I would be letting them down. So I toned down the questions a little bit, and tried to accept things. But really, that train had left the station, and there was no going back.
Well, back to our in-flight movie… As our Bible readings continued, I discovered many more passages along the way that I felt required some explanation. Yeah, I’ve got more… lots More!
Moses, and the Red Sea. So the bible tells us that there are thousands of Hebrews enslaved in Egypt. “Ok, so if there were these Hebrew slaves, how come the Egyptians, who kept immaculate records, never mentioned any Hebrew slaves anywhere in their history?” Apparently they were stricken from the record, so as to not cause any undue embarrassment for the Pharaoh. Sounds reasonable, I guess. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for the loss of an entire Kingdom’s working class either. But… “If they wandered around in the desert for 40 years, wouldn’t they have left behind some kind of evidence? A hundred thousand people, in the desert for 40 years… they had to have left something behind, right? Nope! And, it’s really not that far between Egypt and Israel. “Did Mosses really have to part the Red sea? I mean if they were building pyramids, wouldn’t they have been slaves at Giza, which is far enough North that they could have walked around the tip of the Red sea with out having to cross a 40 mile wide patch of water?” “And why did god need 10 Plagues? Couldn’t he just appeared to the Pharaoh, and delivered his message in person? And why kill the first-born sons? They were just innocent children. Not the people that committed the crime, but their children? Is that really the work of a loving God?” Apparently this god works in Mysterious, inefficient, and breathtakingly cruel ways.
And I can go even further. Here are a few specific examples of some of the Passages in the Bible that, for some reason or another, are never mentioned in Church.
1) Exodus 21:7, says it is OK to sell your daughter into Slavery. (not even in Nevada!)
2) Exodus 35:2, states that any person who works on the Sabbath should be put to death. (You gonna feel good about enforcing this one?)
3) Corinthians 11:14, “Doth not even nature itself teaches you that if a man has long hair, it is a shame unto him.” (ever seen a painting of Jesus?)
4) Corinthians 11:19-24, Commands that no man shall go near a woman when she is in her “Period of menstrual uncleanliness.”
5) 5) Matthew 1:16; “And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.” But in Luke 3:23, “And Jesus himself began to be about 30 years of age, being the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli.” So who is Joseph’s daddy? Jacob, or Heli?
6) John 10:30, “I and my Father are one.” But in Jon 14:28, “Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.” So who is greater than, or equal to whom?
7) Genesis 32:30 "For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." But, in John 1:18, "No man hath seen God at any time.”
If it’s your God, and your God is Infallible, you can’t throw out some of the rules just because you don’t like them. Just a note, that that is one of my biggest problems with Christianity. The bible contains so many contradictions. If it is the “word of God” then it should be immaculate, right. And why do Christians, specifically Catholics, pick and choose the rules they like and the ones they don’t like. The double standards are really obvious, and I don’t know why more people have it figured out. Faith, of all the supposed “Virtues” is by far the most over ratted. “Faith is believing in something you know ain’t true.” –Samuel Clemmons.
“We were told long ago, and for a long time, that there was only the earth. That we were the center of everything. That turned out to be wrong. We still haven’t fully adjusted; we’re still in shock. The universe is not what we expected it to be, it’s not what they told us it would be. This cosmic understanding is all new to us. But there’s nothing to fear. We’re still special; we’re still blessed. And there might yet be a heaven, but it isn’t going to be perfect. And we’re going to have to build it ourselves. If I have something that could be called a soul that needed saving… then Science saved it, from religion!” –Phil Hellenes
I asked the Pastor about many of these, or similar, passages and got the generic excuses. Two or more Authors, You have to have Faith, Sometimes the Bible is Literal and sometimes its symbolic. These excuses continued for the 2 years of the course. I even got the same answers from my parents, grandparents and friends when I asked them if they ever thought about it. This was the beginning of the end for my Faith. I was still a Christian at this point, but my scepticism had grown to a point that by the time I was 16, and preparing for my Confirmation into the Lutheran Congregation, I was firmly Agnostic. I had progressed from Lutheran, to Agnostic in less than 2 years, but this was only the tip of the iceberg. I had made great progress, but I was still torn between the two sides. My family, and friends were pushing me in one direction, but my Mind was pushing me in a completely different direction. Being a young man, and not very mature at the time, it was difficult for me. I moved fully to Atheist a little later, but for now, back to the classroom.
Now I’ve never been any good at Science, or mathematics. I would write it off as having very poor teachers from grade 3 through 12. The kind of teachers who when I would ask a question would treat me like I was an idiot for even asking. “Why? What do you mean why? It’s because I said so, that’s why. Now get back to your desk and be Quiet.” So my question asking was stunted for about 4-5 years. I just sat in class, and tried to absorb what the teacher said without ever questioning the reasoning. That was, until I got to that Class at the church. I was told there to ask any questions I may have, whenever they came up. (insert “devilish” Smile here) So suddenly my curiosity was being stimulated. I was allowed to speak up, and get an explanation. So up went my arm, on a regular basis. I was actually told to stop asking so many questions, as the class is only 2 hours long. “Save those questions for Sunday morning after the sermon, young Man.” But I digress. I love Science, I was really interested in learning about Physics, and Chemistry, and Biology; the how, the where, and the why of life and the universe. I knew that those classes could offer me more insight into the origins of the planet and the universe. But sadly, my math skills were so diminished by poor teaching at earlier grades that the concepts were difficult for me to grasp, and I ended up Flunking out of those classes I so thoroughly enjoyed. So since I knew I wasn’t going to be a physicist, or a chemist, or a biologist, I turned to places that I could get that information, the Library (the books on Darwin, and Planets, and the big bang were always there. I don’t think anyone besides me ever read them), PBS (Bill Nye the Science guy), and Discovery channel (many programs on Geology, astronomy, galactic motion, Atoms, continental drift, carbon dating, Solar Cycles, global climate patterns etc). I was fully convinced at this point that the earth was not 5000 years old as the bible claims it to be. More like 3.4 Billion years. The church is off by a fraction or two! I’d give them a few million years or so, but to be off by over 3.3 Billion… Seriously?? And we now know the approximate age of the universe to be around 14.7 billion years. I was also taught in school, at a young age, that the earth moves around the sun, a little tidbit that was contradicted by the bible by the way. I made a point of brining that up in Bible class as well, and got those same generic responses. “Well that may have been an exaggeration. There were many Authors whose godly work was collaborated to form the Bible, it was possible that someone may have misinterpreted God’s words, and said the earth was the center. Also the original Bible was written in Latin, and possibly a word or two may have been mistranslated.” Ok, so the divine word of God was misrepresented by an idiot author, or mistranslated by another idiot. What all-powerful god would have allowed his divine word to be mistreated as such??).
“When I compare what scientific knowledge has done for me, and what religion tried to do to me… I sometimes literally Shiver! Religions tell children that they might go to Hell, and they must believe. While science tells children they came from the stars, and presents reasoning they can believe. I’ve told plenty of young kids about stars and atoms and galaxies, and the Big Bang, and I have never seen fear in their eyes. Only amazement, and curiosity. They want more. Why do Kids swim in it, and adults drown in it. What happens to reality between our youngest years and adulthood? Could it be, that someone promised us something so beautiful that our universe seems dull, empty, even frightening, by comparison? “–Phil Hellenes
“There is no word for such experiences that come through Scientific, and not Mystical, revelation. The reason for that, is that every time someone has such a “Mindgasm,” religion steals it, simply by saying ‘Ah, you’ve had a religious experience.’ And spiritualists will pull the same shit. And both camps get angry when an Atheist like me tells you that I only had these experiences after rejecting everything supernatural. But I do admit, that after such experiences, the moments when reality hits me like a winning lottery ticket, I often think about religion. And how Lucky I am that I am not religious.” –Phil Hellenes
At about the halfway point of the class, we moved on from the Old Testament, to the New Testament. The virgin Birth, Jesus, the crucifixion, and Jesus rising from the dead were the main focus. Jesus’ mother was supposedly a virgin, blessed with the Son of God. I like what Denis Leary had to say about that. “I have no doubt that a guy named Jesus existed. But 9 months before he was born, I believe that someone sure a shit banged the hell out of his mom!” Of course I was sceptical of a virgin birth. I didn’t sleep through health class in grades 8 and 9, so the mechanics of making a baby were not all that foreign to me. And by this time (15), I was no longer a virgin, so I had some first hand experience with those mechanics. I could imagine though, that 2000 years ago, the whole baby making process would be a bit of a mystery. I’m sure they understood the cause and effect of sex, but not quite sure they knew about what happened once the deed was done.
Of course if a guy named Jesus lived, he had to die, right? What was interesting to learn was that Jesus was not the only Messiah at the time. There were hundreds of them. Monty python’s “Life of Brian” was more historically accurate the Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ.” One prime example was Apalonious of Tyana. He claimed to heal the sick, walk through walls, and walk on water. He was persecuted for his beliefs, tried by the local Roman courts, crucified, and his followers claimed he rose from the dead a few days later. Sound familiar?
“Let’s take a moment to go over some of the relevant lessons we can learn, from the King of Kings…
Elvis Aaron Priestly, Died in 1977. He was born and Lived at time when most people in his land were Illiterate. We have many firsthand reports about Elvis’ Life, we have many reliable records, Medical, Musical, and otherwise. Even so, there are people, Lots of people, who Insist Elvis is not really dead. Sound Familiar? Even the dozens of books written by People who actually knew Elvis contain Conflicting Stories of his life. Sound Familiar? We have Photographs of Elvis, in the Morgue, Dead as F%#King Doornail. And in Just 30 years, there are stories that he’s not dead. In “Fit for a King” an important work delving into Elvis’ eating habits, the author suggests that in order to make Elvis’ Beloved Fried Chicken you will need ¾ cup of flour, Paprika, salt & Pepper. In “Are you Hungry tonight? A definitive look into Elvis’ Favourite foods.” The King’s Beloved Fried Chicken Recipe calls for ½ Cup of Flour, Salt & Pepper. Glaring Differences… ¼ cup less Flour No Paprika! F#&&ing Heretics! Now Imagine trying to figure, which was the real Elvis Chicken, 2000 years from now.” – Penn Jillette.
One thing I have to mention here, is probably the most disturbing thing any religious person has ever said to me. I should probably have been less shocked to hear it, but it was really unexpected at the time. I had just barely started sticking my Toes out of the closet, when my Kidneys started to fail, and someone I won’t say whom, but if they ever look me up, and read this they’ll know who they are. She said to me… “Maybe God is mad at you for saying he doesn’t exist. And he’s punishing you by putting you through all this pain. Maybe if you went back to Church, he’d heal you.” I was both Insulted, and dumbfounded at the sheer Ignorance, and stupidity of that statement. And It set me back a few months in my Escape from the closet, but in actuality that incident turned into one of the 2 Key events that year that would send me out of the darkness, Guns a Blazin!
Having a Long-term, what most doctors would classify as a Terminal Illness, takes a lot out of you. It really affects who you are as a person. It severely alters your perception of life and death. I, like most people, when getting the news, went through my own process of denial, grief, bargaining, and acceptance. But at no point in that process did I ever “Pray” or ask God to make it go away. I knew better than that. I went to a Hospital, and talked to Doctors, Pharmacists, Dietitians, and Specialists. I felt they had a much better chance to do some good. Even though the help was there, I still had a lot of trouble accepting it, and living with it. But what made that trouble worse was the constant badgering I would get from Religious friends and family. Always wanting me to pray with them, or wanting to pray for me. The worst among them would invite me to church, or send me emails about a spiritual healer who was going to be visiting nearby. I can’t count the number of Emails I got in the first few months after my Initial round of Dialysis began. I actually had one distant friend send me an email about Reverend Peter Popoff. I would suggest you look him up on You tube, and refer to the episode of the tonight show where he was Exposed as a fraud by James “The Amazing” Randi (more on Him in other posts). It was 2005, and I was firmly an Atheist, but I was still Hiding my beliefs from those closest to me. My Parents, and grandparents. In fact, I still haven’t told my Grandparents in California, simply because I think it might crush them emotionally. They are retired, and spend every spare second they have working in, for, or on the church, at various functions. Finding out their eldest Grandson won’t be joining them in Heaven might just destroy them. I’m not without compassion, so in this one case I felt it best that they just remain blissfully unaware where I stand. They are smart people, so I’m sure they will figure it out, when I won’t join them for Sunday service during my next visit, or spend any unnecessary time in the church. If I start hissing and spitting at the cross, or get hit by a very accurate bolt of lightning, would possibly be other clues, but as I have stated earlier… the likelihood of any type of divine intervention is zilch! But I appreciate the concern these friends and family have shown for my condition, I just wish that they would do something much more productive to help. 2000 years of prayer hasn’t done anything, why would it start working now? I have had my name added to “Prayed chains” that have circled the globe. Again, the concern has not fallen on deaf ears, but the methods of expressing that concern have. I don’t want or need any prayers, what I need is a donor, really. Ok, question for you, my dear reader… what is your Blood type?? Ha Just kidding. Or am I? Yeah I am. Or maybe not! If someone wants to help me, but isn’t willing to give up an organ, there are many other ways that I would love for you to help. Go to your local Blood clinic and Donate blood. I have needed blood in the past (when they gut you like a fish to get access to your innards and poke around for an hour or two, you lose a bit of blood), and it is a worthwhile cause. If someone from the Kidney foundation (make sure they are real!!!) asks you for a donation, give them $5 bucks. Every little bit helps. Attend a fund raising event in support of the kidney foundation. I’m sure there will be one near you at some point. Or hell, just come spend 10 minutes with me at dialysis. All most of the people there really want is someone to talk to. It pretty freaking lonely sitting there for 4 hours, alone. But for F**ks Sake, don’t pray for me. I don’t want you to waste your breath, or your precious Neurons.
Up to about 2006, I would only tell my closest friends that I didn’t believe in God. I still hadn’t informed my Mother, or sister (my dad Knew, and definitely has been very supportive. I think he’s still on Gods side, but he is seeing my Point.) of my beliefs, but thought they would figure it out in time. But it was in 2005 I discovered a Television show called “ BullShit.” Out of the USA. Now most of my friends have heard me sing it’s praises, but that’s not what I’m here to do today. The two stars of the show are Penn Jillette, and Teller. Both very talented Magicians, and entertainers. I had known about them for years, and liked their magical routines, but had no Idea they were out of the closet atheists. Watching interviews of them discussing their faith, or lack thereof, was the second event that gave me the confidence to make it public where I stood. It was so inspiring to me, just to hear that from someone that I had admired. Just hearing a famous person say, “There is No God” was profound. Seeing them speak so openly, and confidently, really did give me the push I needed.
I suffered through discrimination similar to what Gays went through in the 80’s and 90’s, and what Blacks went through for 400 years. Not to the same extent, but it still affects you. Your friends shun you; people give those awful stares of fear and hatred. The worst was the Catholics. I received the worst bullshit from them. “You’re a sinner and you’ll go to Hell! You’re a tool of the Devil! You’re an Evil person! Why do you hate God?” Awe, how 1742 of you to think that. Don’t worry, your rotting corpse will be in a hole in the ground soon enough. So in order to keep my beliefs a secret, I hid them away, down deep in my soul, and paid lip service to friends and family, just to avoid the segregation I was already starting to feel. And that is exactly what the Church wanted me to feel. They wanted me to feel alone, un loved, and un wanted by society, so that I would come running home to the church, tail between my Legs, begging for their forgiveness and love. In exactly the same way Alcoholics Anonymous brings people to the church, although, that is another blog entry all together. But I didn’t go crawling back; I cut ties with the church all together. I stayed true to what I knew was right. And I knew it wasn’t them. The hate and disgust I took away from the church wasn’t from the people themselves. Away from religion they are kind enough people. But it’s when their beliefs are challenged in any way that the forked tongues began their assault. With “Saving me” as their ultimate goal, the people I once called Friends, my classmates from Sunday school, and even my family began their attempt at twisting me back in to the Pew. They began talking behind my back, pointing, and whispering, “there’s the Atheist!” I was honestly waiting for them to start throwing rocks at me, like they would have done in the Old Testament. “Stone to death the disobedient children.” But their assault had taken on a much more diabolical method. Mental torture. I know they were trying to do what they thought was best for me, Bring a lost sheep back to the herd, but what would have been best would have been to just let me go quietly. I did try to take few with me when I left, (I can be a bit of a vindictive jackass when people go out of their way say, or do, something hurtful to me. “To thyne own self be true!”) But, they were so firmly Brain washed it was a hopeless endeavor. It’s like a scene from a bad movie where the hero gets away, but walks away slowly, watching his friends chant, and walk like zombies back to the alter in a trance. It was just like that! Really eerie!!
Now, as far as I know, in the Lutheran Faith there is no official way to renounce your baptism. I’ve thought about it for years, how would I go about it, what would I do, or what would I say, or hell, who would I say it to. Well if there was a God, then a prayer should suffice, but since I know that won’t work, for obvious reasons… I’ll just put it here.
As of this day (the day this is posted, it may have been written weeks before, or even months. I’m a slow writer, what are you going to do? Cut me some slack!)… Where was I, Oh right? As of this day, in front of the witnesses who have read my Blog, and by those who have spread its message to others, I Jason Michael Hofer of Calgary Alberta, baptized at Prince of Faith Lutheran church, herby Renounce my Baptism, and cut all ties to the Lutheran Church and it’s Deity of Choice. There. To me it’s official. If anyone reading this knows someone at that particular church, can you please inform them that they wasted their time money and precious holy water on a heretic!! I thought for sure, if there was a God, I would have just burst into flames… wait for it… waaaaaaait for it…. Nope No flames. I’m good. Oh, and they aren’t the only dumbasses I should renounce my connection to. To the Congregation of Concordia Lutheran Church in Penticton, BC. The 2 years you spent preparing me for a life as a loyal member of you parish (that confirmation class I spent so much time mocking, and picking apart piece by piece for a dozen or so paragraphs before), has backfired. But I do wish to thank you. It was you, Pastor Knowles that really opened my eyes and allowed this mental transformation to occur. Your inability to hide the truth behind lies and propaganda has brought me true contentment with my world and myself. It’s because of your mediocre teachings that I was able to stand up, split myself from the herd, kick the shepherd in the balls and run like hell for my own salvation! So, also, if anyone reading this knows Pastor Knowles, please inform him of his folly. He’ll likely want to know what happened to his “Star” Pupil.
Unlike religious people, I look at all religions the same. As Christians believe in only 1 god, they are only one step away from being Atheist. To a Christian, Allah is not God, Buddha is not God, Krishna is not God, and the great JuJu up the mountain is not a God. Well as an Atheist, I just took it one step farther. I don’t believe in any God. And it’s funny how not a single Christian I try to talk to about his can understand it. I ask them, do you believe in Allah? No. How about Zeus? No. So what is the difference between them, and the Jewish/Christian God? “Well My God is the right one.” Well says who? “Says God.” Or “Says the Bible.” OK. Well let’s get god in here to defend himself then. You call him up, and I’ll wait.
It occurred to me, about 2 weeks ago, when the topic of God came up with my Mother; she still doesn’t want to accept me as an Atheist. Ever since that day in the car, she has been asking me to “Come back to the Winning team,” or “can I at least pray for you?” Now, I love my mother to death, but I’m sorry Mom… I AM on the Winning team, and after 2000 years of observation by humans on the effectiveness of prayer… it’s clearly not working. If it were working I would imagine that things around here would be a lot better. And I was on this team before we started winning. “I was here before it was Cool!”
As Atheists, we’re still several years behind Homosexuals when it comes to being accepted by society, but I do think we are on a much faster track to being accepted. A Religious person would rather accept a homosexual into their group of friends (even though being gay is strictly forbidden by their god) than they would an Atheist. To them it’s the lesser of 2 evils, I would guess. “At least the gay guy believes in the same invisible puppet master I do”, sort of deal. As an “out of the closet” Atheist, I still get the discrimination everywhere. At work, the avowed Christians won’t even talk to me. But before they knew my views, were always inviting me to lunch. I have lost some very dear friends because of it. I no longer fit into their model of what a friend should be. I guess if you want to be their friend, you have to believe in the same invisible man. Its really saddens me that one of my best friends doesn’t want me around his children, because I’m an Atheist.
I live my Life by a set of values, and I don’t need a God, and eternal punishment hanging over my head to want to do good. That’s another hard thing for the Hardcore religious to understand. “Without God, there is no Morality. So to whom do you hold yourself accountable?” I hold myself accountable to the other 6,999,999,999 people who inhabit the planet. It doesn’t take God to tell you that Killing, stealing, cheating, and lying is wrong. All it takes is the acknowledgement of your own humanity. I want kindness done to me, so I am Kind to those around me. No need for the threat of eternal damnation, or Fire and brimstone. Just be good. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. It’s simple it’s direct, and it’s honest. If we all could follow that principle, then who would need a God to tell us what is right and wrong. Bearing in mind this is the same God that condones slavery, segregation, racism, torture, incest, and Murder is his tell-all autobiography called “The Bible.” I know I won’t be rewarded after I die for being a good person. My reward is that the people, who liked me, will remember that I treated them well, with respect, kindness, love, and compassion. That’s all the reward I will ever need. I know what will happen when I die. My body will shut down, rot away into dust, the nutrients will be reabsorbed in the ground and the cycle will start again. Maybe if I’m lucky, someone will plant a tree above my grave, and the atoms that once made up the cells in my body will be absorbed as nutrients into that tree, and in a sense, part of me will live forever.
I am still recovering from the trauma of the treatment I have been getting from the Pious, the righteous, and the religious. I have found myself lately becoming less tolerant of religion in general, and even straying to an “Anti-Religion” point of view. I see the damage that religion has done to us as a culture, and a species. It has divided us along Imaginary lines in the sand. “You stay over there, and I’ll stay over here, because we don’t believe in the same Spooky, incompetent, father figure! And if you get to close, it’s all out war!” I really have trouble accepting people who are willing to fight, argue, or even kill, over something they are too Naïve, Ignorant, or Scared, to figure out on their own. It’s a tough line to walk, especially considering that, according to some polls, over 80% of the planet believes in a God, or Deity, of some kind. It’s staggering. Are 6 Billion people wrong? Well… the short answer is Yes. But the longer answer is, probably. I know in my mind, I’m 100% sure, and I have no doubts I have chosen the right path. All the facts are there to support that God didn’t create us; we evolved from lesser beings into an intelligent species. If you were to call Atheism a religion, then it’s the fastest growing religion on the planet. People are getting smarter, and they are figuring things out for themselves. So I do see some hope that man kind can pull itself out of the Dark ages and begin searching for the real answer to that age-old question… Why are we here? Not because some magic man said “POOF”… there’s life on the little green-blue rock. We know that life took over 3.4 Billion years to evolve to this point, and life will continue to evolve until time stops. At best estimates, that’s another 30 billion years… give or take. And I sure hope it doesn’t take that long for mankind to figure out its place in this great cosmic puzzle. But I would sure like to be around when we do. God will not show us the way to our own salvation. But maybe science, understanding, tolerance, and acceptance will. We are all human. Regardless of Race, religion, sexuality, height, weight, or Gender, we all deserve to live our lives on this “Pale Blue Dot. The only home we have ever known.” (Carl Sagan) Until we have the technology to start colonizing other worlds, we are stuck here with each other. And this continued bickering over these ridiculous superstitions is holding us back. It’s time we moved on… its high time we Evolved.
If I can offer any advice to someone who is either thinking about coming out, or is going through the initial stages of coming out, it’s “ride it out.” Just ride it out. Stick to your guns, and don’t waver, not for a second. If it’s your family that is the problem, they’re your family, they love you, they just don’t understand you, but they will come around, eventually. If your friends desert you because you no longer fit the mold of a friend that they want, then they aren’t true friends. I know, I lost a few friends already, and I’m sure I will lose more, but the good ones will stick with you, even if they believe differently. And coming out as an Atheist may even open new doors, and bring you new friends. It has for me, it will likely work for you too. Just remember that you are not alone in this fight. You are now a member of the team that “Wining.” And winning Hard! Go Team!
Thank you.
“Religion paints everything not of itself as unholy, and sinful. While it beautifies and dignifies it’s lies and Bigotry. Like a pig, wearing the finest robes. In its efforts to stop us facing reality, religion has become the reality we cannot face. Look at what religion has made us do, to ourselves and to each other. Religion stole our love and our loyalty, and gave it to a book. To a telepathic father that tells his children that love means kneeling before him. Now I’m not apparent, but I say those kids are gonna turn out messed up. It cannot be healthy, for a child or a species.“ –Phil Hellenes
As a bit of an add on, if you enjoyed this, or are looking for more. I would recommend looking up a gentleman on You Tube by the name of Phil Hellenes. And watching his videos, “Science Saved my Soul,” and “65 million years with a Creationist.” Both very good videos, one serious, the other quite humorous. I hope you enjoy them, and thanks again for taking the time to read this, and I hope it provided something for you. Or if it really pissed you off, and offended you to no end, then I’m glad also. I do thoroughly enjoy making the Pious, the Righteous, and the religions, angry. They look so funny when they’re mad, it makes me laugh!J
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